Victorian Sandwich


      What you Need

         100g (4oz)             margarine

         100g (4oz)             caster sugar

         2 medium               eggs

         100g (4oz)             Self Raising Flour


     What to Do

        1.  Heat oven to 180'C, 350'F.  Grease an 18cm sandwich tins.

        2.  Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. 

        3.  Beat in eggs, one at a time adding a little flour with each.

        4.  Gently fold in remaining flour.

        5.  Place in prepared tins and bake for 20-25 minutes in 2 tins  

        and   40-45 minutes in 1 tin.

        6.  When cool fill with jam or cream. Dust with icing sugar.



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