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Mini Autobiography
�James "JR" "Robbo" "James" Robinson,
Present [29/04/'01] Location: Leicester, UK.
DOB: 31/10/'84
Description of present situation: All this was written ages ago - except this which was written 3.9.01 - I am in a boarding school in Oz and my own website is blocked by the school and am writing via an anonymous proxy (shh! don't tell anyone)
Description of past situations: Born in London but brought up in the small village of Beckley, a very nice place a couple of miles fromm Oxford, educated at the small village school, which shared the village's characteristic niceness. Went to school at Magdalen College School in Oxford which is also a beautiful place and has a laid back charm. Moved to Leicester in September 1999.
Hobbies/things I like: Learning languages, Shotokan karate, travelling , longboard-skateboarding, reading - went through a period of sci-fi, now mostly read anything - , HeartBreak High (sad really), films (Shawshank Redemption is my favourite at the moment), music - I listen to several Radio stations to get a good mix, favourite artist is Pierpoljak - sings mainly Reggae in French.
Ambitions: to design a new religion, to release an incredibly inspiring record despite little musical talent (will probably be a rap), to leave a poem or story that lives on forever - well quite a while anyway, to invent something that makes me fantastically rich. That's about it - apart from world peace.
Notes on the Art on this website: Mostly created using images from secondary sources or created using Extreme3D2 and edited using AdobePhotodeluxe and GraphicConverter. Torn Project created before I moved to Leicester along with some stuff such as Revolution, Harmony, Genetics Project is most recent. I also do a lot of pictures in sketchbooks and paintings for school.
New directions: I would like to make some of my computer art more humourous I am also interested in becoming more abstract: e.g by using Bryce or fractals programs.
Feel free to e-mail me your unconditional praise at [email protected]
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