<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/janetbailey55112/almostawhisper.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Spirit Enchant
Come To Me
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Whisper by Tricia...

God Walks with Me by Janet Lynn
None� who bore ignorance are worth the priceless vision of my tears being created because of thee.� Laugh do I no more, for I own the mind. I own the power.� I own that of thee deserted love which you so heartlessly left behind.��������������������������������������������� written by Sarah Marie 10/21/98
There is much you do not know exists that you will soon come to find.
Weep for you , I have not.� Weep because of you, I will not.�
Write me a sentence which you use to explain... Or write me none at all for I have quit this game.
The headaches, heartaches, and sleepless nights I no longer permit to remain.
For you may think me to be a fool... But thoughts such as these are of an ignorant mind.� Why think you that I would reveal all secrets for you to exploit me?
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