CD cover

  • Review

    The only other firemen movie that I cared for or have seen besides Backdraft is The Towering Inferno. That score was dramatic and dealt with the various parts of the movie. For Backdraft the score's principle purpose was to represent fire and firemen. Unlike some of his more recent works this score is fully orchestral. Well I shouldn't say completely orchestral since Zimmer does use a choir, and that choir along with a strong beat are what makes this score memorable.

    Not exactly of the same vein as Crimson Tide or The Rock, this score still is recognizable as a Zimmer work. The second track, Fighting 17th is one of the best I've heard Zimmer produce in recent years that wasn't meant to be a straight action cue. The cue where the action does come out with a bang is Burn It All. Music from this track was heard in the previews for The Lost World: Jurassic Park a few years back. Another track that is not an action track but still good is Show Me Your Firetruck, it is the track that is most often included in any compilation of Zimmer or Ron Howard's work. If you're new to the world of soundtracks and like the pulse pounding sound of The Rock, this isn't exactly the same but worth listening to. Now if only they had put the Bruce Hornsby songs anywhere but at the beginning and the end. They say not to judge a book by its cover, but if we judge a soundtrack by its first and last tracks, this one never would have sold as many copies. Oh well.

  • Rating: *****

  • CD details

    Total time: 42:00 (Time Approximate)

    1: Set Me in Motion (5:20) - Bruce Hornsby
    2: Fighting 17th (4:26)
    3: Brothers (3:32)
    4: The Arsonist's Waltz (1:58)
    5: 335 (3:02)
    6: Burn it All (5:19)
    7: You Go, We Go (5:11)
    8: Fahrenheit 451 (2:59)
    9: Show Me Your Firetruck (3:31)
    10: The Show Goes On (7:32) - Bruce Hornsby

    Review copyright (c) 1998 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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