CD cover

  • Review

    Trevor Jones turns in another outstanding main theme with the Cliffhanger Theme. There is a slight resemblance in sound to his theme from Last of the Mohicans, the Cliffhanger Theme stands alone as an impressive accompanyment to the climbing scenes in the film. It is never more evident than in the opening moments of the movie when the rescue chopper is flying over the Rocky mountains and a lone climber can be seen climbing a horizontal piece of rock. The theme is heard on occasion throughout the soundtrack and is heard again over the end credits.

    The action music that fills the middle tracks is better than some, with a few really good power-filled moments. The fully orchestral score is punctuated occasionally by a few electronic additions here and there. Although it is a fairly complete version of the score, some portions of the soundtrack heard in the movie were left out of the soundtrack. These pieces were particularly good in the action sequences and it is a shame that it was not included. In all Cliffhanger is an above average action score and one of Sylvester Stallone's best action films in recent years.

  • Rating: ****

  • CD details

    Total time: 50:50

    1: Cliffhanger Theme (3:52)
    2: Sarah's Farewell (2:14)
    3: Sarah Falls (3:53)
    4: Gabe Returns (3:11)
    5: I Understand (1:40)
    6: Sunset Searching (1:19)
    7: Tolerated Help (2:55)
    8: Base Jump (4:10)
    9: Bats (2:25)
    10: Two Man Job (2:08)
    11: Kynette is Impaled (4:00)
    12: Fireside Chat (0:33)
    13: Frank's Demise (2:37)
    14: Rabbit Hole (1:33)
    15: Icy Stream (1:39)
    16: Jessie's Release (3:42)
    17: Helicopter Fight (1:30)
    18: End Credits (7:23)

    Review copyright � 1997 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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