CD cover

  • Review

    If awards could be given out for ethnic diversity and style in a soundtrack, The Fifth Element by Eric Serra would definitely win hands down. This is one of the most unusual scores that I have ever owned. On one track, you'll be listening to some deep bass and percussion instruments, suddenly on the next track there'll be a Middle Eastern riff followed by an Italian one. There's movie music occasionally punctuated by something different. In the middle of it all is Ruby Rap, the rap that Ruby 'sings' when our heroes board the shuttle bound for Plavalaguna. Then at the beginning and end of the soundtrack is the vocal song by Eric Serra, Little Light of Love. The two versions are slightly different from eachother and although not the best song I've ever heard, it is tolerable.

    Another example is the two 'opera tracks' that are basically connected but divided up for obvious reasons. Lucia Di Lammermoor is the first part that starts off like a traditional operatic piece, then as it ends, the second part immediately begins. It is a continuation of the same opera but with a decidedly modern style and sound. If opera sounded like The Diva Dance I think opera performances would pack them in like a rock concert. The final track on the soundtrack is a bonus soundtrack called Aknot! Wot!. It is basically samples of many different things from the movie mixed to create one of the most unusual musical experience of my life. All in all, it is a different sound when compared to Serra's other scores. Whether it is better than his others or not is up to you.

  • Rating: ***

  • CD details

    Total time: 62:54

    1: Little Light of Love (4:50) - Eric Serra
    2: Mondoshawan (4:01)
    3: Timecrash (1:49)
    4: Korben Dallas (1:43)
    5: Koolen (:55)
    6: Akta (1:51)
    7: Leeloo (4:56)
    8: Five Millenia Later (3:13)
    9: Plavalaguna (1:47)
    10: Ruby Rap (1:55)
    11: Heat (2:54)
    12: Badaboom (1:12)
    13: Mangalores (1:06)
    14: Lucia Di Lammermoor (3:10)
    15: The Diva Dance (1:31)
    16: Leeloominai (1:41)
    17: A Bomb In The Hotel (2:14)
    18: Mina Hinoo (:54)
    19: No Cash No Trash (1:04)
    20: Radiowaves (2:32)
    21: Human Nature (2:03)
    22: Pictures of War (1:19)
    23: Lakta Ligunai (4:14)
    24: Protect Life (2:33)
    25: Little Light of Love (3:29) - Eric Serra
    26: Aknot! Wot? (3:35) -- Bonus Track

    Review copyright (c) 1998 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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