CD cover

  • Review

    The Last Starfighter was one of the first movies to use CGI created ships and effects for its space battle scenes. In essence it was sort of a beta-test of the technology that would bring the Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition back to the screen so many years later. The story is fairly good with a young human being whisked away from Earth to help defend the free universe from the evil Xur and the Kodan Armada. And how is he chosen you ask? Well, simple really, he is good at a space combat simulator. Now I'm pretty good at such games but no alien has been by to see me yet. Well, I'll keep waiting and in the mean time, I'll listen to this great score by Craig Safan. This movie wasn't of the same scale as Star Wars or other sci-fi movies, rather it was a small time movie, but that didn't stop Safan from creating a score that ranks right up their with the best of the best sci-fi movie themes.

    Rather than write a variety of themes to highlight the particular emotions of a scene or character, Safan writes a strong central theme and uses it in different ways to establish that emotional connection. Performed in a particularlly heroic manner in Main Title and Alex's First Test and then Safan changes the dominant instruments and slows the theme out a bit to bring out a completely different emotional feel in Alex Dreams. This theme is pretty strong on its own and because of which it is appreciated whenever it is repeated.

    However, the Main Title isn't the only theme in the film. There is music to highlight the other scenes as well although here there is no consistant theme, but in this case one is enough. The music for Rylos is a particularly fun piece that brings memories of The Little People from Star Wars. And indeed the inspiration behind this score is evident even in Safan's own words in the linear notes. He wanted the feel of John Williams while not copying him outright. I think he accomplished his goal.

  • Rating: ****

  • CD details

    Total time: 48:40

    1: Main Title (2:31)
    2: Alex Dreams (1:44)
    3: Centauri into Space (5:59)
    4: Rylos (2:01)
    5: Centauri Dies (6:51)
    6: Target Practice (2:17)
    7: Alex's First Test (2:51)
    8: Beta's Sacrifice (6:07)
    9: Death Blossom: Ultimate Weapon (4:44)
    10: Big Victory March: Alex Returns (5:44)
    11: Into the Starscape (7:21)

    Review copyright (c) 1998 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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