CD cover

  • Review

    This score has always been an rare one, especially on CD. It was originaly released in 1985 on the A&M label and was one of the very first soundtracks to be released on CD. Then in 1995, it was released on the "Music Collectors Anonymous" label with Conti's For Your Eyes Only. It too was rare or extremely expensive. In this latest incarnation it is released by itself in an "enhanced CD" format, however it contains no additional music previously unheard. The score itself is trademark Bond, and more specifically, trademark John Barry. With moments of exotic orchestrations, lush love themes, and the infamous Bond theme itself, this is the kind of Bond music that people had come to expect. The James Bond theme, which has had its origins questioned recently, hints in the second track and blasts in full by the fourth track. Barry himself has recently claimed in interviews that he wrote (or at least co-wrote) the Bond theme that has for years been attributed to Monty Norman.

    Barry's music is among the better Bond scores --at the same level, if not better, than A View to a Kill. The main theme is enchanting, with orchestral performances in two full tracks. The title song by Rita Coolidge is enjoyable, but very different from Duran Duran's style; in these regards, it's much more like that late 70's-early 80's style of For Your Eyes Only, more adult contemporary than rock. The score, though, is less jazzy than For Your Eyes Only and features a fuller orchestra to the delight of many who didn't like Bill Conti's disco-esque score. Action tracks are full of suspense and constant reminders that this is a Bond movie. The finale combines the Bond and Octopussy themes well.

    As for this release, it has its ups and downs. Having any accessible release of Octopussy is the biggest plus for this CD, as well as improved sound quality. It is also an enhanced CD with the theatrical trailer, pictures, and expanded liner notes --nothing too spectacular, but it was amusing for a few minutes. It worked flawlessly in my PowerMac. As for the negatives of the CD, it has no new music from the previous releases. The quotes from the movie will offend some people, as usual, even though they're not too long ("Bond. James Bond."). The packaging is generous, but difficult to manage and read. Overall, Bond fans will delight to have this release.

  • Rating: *****

  • CD details

    Total time: 37:18

    1: All Time High (3:05) - Rita Coolidge
    2: Bond Look Alike (3:01)
    3: Miss Penelope (0:30) - quote from film
    4: 009 Gets The Knife And Gorbinda Attacks (3:09)
    5: That's My Little Octopussy (3:15)
    6: Arrival At The Island Of Octopussy (3:25)
    7: Introducing Mr Bond (0:09) - quote from film
    8: Bond At The Monsoon Palace (3:06)
    9: Bond Meets Octopussy (3:37)
    10: Poison Pen (0:34) - quote from film
    11: Yo Yo Fight And Death Of Vijay (3:47)
    12: The Chase Bomb Theme (1:59)
    13: The Palace Fight (4:35)
    14: All Time High (3:02) - vocal reprise by Rita Coolidge

    Review copyright � 1997 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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