CD cover

  • Review

    The Peacemaker marks not only the first action movie released by the new super-company Dreamworks, but also the first soundtrack released by Dreamworks. And who better to write the first soundtrack to the first movie than Hans Zimmer. Already an established composer of action scores, The Rock and Crimson Tide being the biggest, Zimmer tackles this job like it was nothing. As always with any of his scores, The Peacemaker is short on tracks, but those few tracks that are there, last for a very very long time. The shortest track here is still over five minutes.

    So what's in this soundtrack that isn't in the others Zimmer has produced? Well nothing really. Zimmer has smartly taken the best elements of all of his previous efforts and combined them here. In Crimson Tide he used choir pieces to keep the action going with orchestra. In The Rock he used synthesizers and guitars to keep the action going with the orchestra. Here, both are used equally with no particular one out doing the other. The prime example is the opening track Train which deals with the opening portion of the film. Using all his styles of composition, the music moves very quickly, there are hardly any slow portions on the soundtrack. While not as good as The Rock, it's still a good, solid action score that deserves a whirl in your CD player.

  • Rating: ****

  • CD details

    Total time: 39:42

    1: Train (13:51)
    2: Devoe's Revenge (5:14)
    3: Sarajevo (8:40)
    4: Chase (17:04)
    5: Peacemaker (9:47)

    Review copyright � 1997 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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