CD cover

  • Review

    The Rock was another big movie for many people. For Nicholas Cage, it was one of his first major action films, for Sean Connery, it was proof that he could still play an action hero, for the Simpson/Bruckheimer production team, it was another big hit, and for Hans Zimmer, it provided the opportunity to make another major film score. In the same stylistic vein as Crimson Tide, this score doesn't rely on darker and more forboding music, but on more a 'in your face' style that is suited for the action of the movie. Zimmer and his large team come up with a main theme introduced in the opening track and carry it through to almost every track there after. At times, the different contributors styles can be heard peeking though but it serves to add variety to the score while not altogether straying from the main style of the music.

    Rock House Jail is heard over the scenes where Ed Harris and his crew take over Alcatraz and it is in this track that we hear the full power of the theme created by Zimmer. It is an action packed track that lasts for a long time too. As is the case with almost all of Zimmer's action scores, there are only a few tracks seen on the back of the CD's but there is a hell of a lot of music to be heard. The longest track reaches almost fifteen minutes. Back to the music, there is action in almost every track just as there is action in almost every scene of the movie.

    As for the non-action portions, there isn't too much to be heard. The first is Jade which is representative of Sean Connery's daughter in the movie. It is a soft theme played beautifully by a flute or similar instrument. The second non-action theme is Fort Walton - Kansas which is heard in the movie just as the end credits begin to role. It is very short but is a catchy tune belted out by a guitar. The very last track is also one of the best, it seems that they saved it as one last hurrah before the CD finished. Occurring extremely non-sequentially The Chase is heard during the Bullet-esque chase scene in San Francisco. About on par with Crimson Tide, The Rock is sure to satisfy those with a love of action scores.

  • Rating: *****

  • CD details

    Total time: 60:22

    1: Hummell Gets The Rockets (6:25)
    2: Rock House Jail (10:12)
    3: Jade (2:01)
    4: In The Tunnels (8:40)
    5: Mason's Walk - First Launch (9:34)
    6: Rocket Away (14:25)
    7: Fort Walton - Kansas (1:37)
    8: The Chase (7:35)

    Review copyright � 1997 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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