CD cover

  • Review

    It isn't very often that a huge box-office success has a mediocre soundtrack. But Fidel managed to do it using a myriad of electronic tones that at times don't even sound like music but rather some machinery running. Some portions sound like someone pounding a metal against metal. This is a pity because the Terminator Theme from the first film is so good. Fidel only uses it twice, which is at least some compensation. The new rendition is in my opinion a little better than the original. In the first one, it sounded a little too muffled to me, but then again, it may just be my stereo.

    As for the electronic tones and notes, they are used when the T1000 is around and are used to represent him. While is does serve its purpose in the beginning, after about the second or third time, it begins to tire and you wish for some other type of 'evil' music. Some pieces that showed promise are very short such as John and Dyson into the Vault. "I'll be back" on the other hand is given some time to develop and even though it has the 'metal hitting metal' sequences in it, it is still a pretty good piece. Another good action track on the soundtrack is Escape from the Hospital but here again the T1000's theme takes prominence in the beginning and that detracts somewhat from the track but on the whole it is a good piece. However, these few pieces don't serve to make the whole soundtrack better. Is it worth your money? Well if you're a fan of Fidel, or hellbent on owning all soundtracks for Cameron's films, sure. If not, maybe you should try his soundtrack to True Lies.

  • Rating: ***

  • CD details

    Total time: 53:41

    1: Main Title (1:56)
    2: Sarah on the run (2:31)
    3: Escape from the Hospital (4:34)
    4: Desert Suite (3:25)
    5: Sarah's Dream (1:49)
    6: Attack on Dyson (4:07)
    7: Our Gang goes to Cyberdyne (3:11)
    8: "Trust Me" (1:38)
    9: John and Dyson into the Vault (:41)
    10: Swat Team Attacks (3:22)
    11: "I'll Be Back" (3:58)
    12: Helicopter Chase (2:27)
    13: Tanker Chase (1:42)
    14: "Hasta la Vista, Baby" (3:02)
    15: Into the Steel Mill (1:25)
    16: Cameron's Inferno (2:37)
    17: Terminator Impaled (2:05)
    18: Terminator Revives (2:14)
    19: T1000 Terminated (1:41)
    20: "It's Over" (4:36)

    Review copyright � 1997 Jay Tipnis. Comments always welcome!

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