Practice Makes Perfect


The Holistic Method


    Some may say, "yes, this theory is all good and fine, but does it really work when applied to the various and sundry prophetic passages of scripture?" Well, there is only one way to find out -- try it! Recently, I was presented with a particular scheme of prophetic interpretation that a gentlemen was teaching in a local seminar. A friend brought it over to me to ask what I thought. I carefully looked over all the different theories and interpretations and found the usual basic texts. However, I found that Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 were conspicuously absent. Immediately, that told me that the overall theory had to be suspect. If one overlooks one of the major keys to prophetic interpretation, how can the approach have merit?

    If a method of interpretation has merit and is holistic, it can be applied faithful to every prophetic passage and produce consistent results. One need not twist or prejudicially align the passage to make it fit the scheme of overall interpretation; but faithfully applying the basic principles of proper interpretation to the text, the individual prophetic details should hook to the key events like pieces to a puzzle. This is precisely what we are going to do in the following section. Practice makes perfect.

The Approach


    When a new passage of prophetic scripture is presented, it is important to understand what has been said about it by Biblical scholars past and present and to apply the basic principles of interpretation. Many passages have complete fulfillment in past history but also have elements that apply to the future, i.e. these elements did not take place at the time of the historical fulfillment. Sometimes, within a larger passage that speaks of a historical fulfillment, there might be sub-passages that are clearly future. It is our job to factually acknowledge historical realities while mining for the hidden nuggets of golden future prophetic vision.

Any alphabet letters in them thar hills?


    Given our theory of the ABCs of prophetic interpretation which we have studied thus far, it is possible to analyze a passage of prophetic scripture and dig for clues that place the passage in a particular future chronological framework (if it is truly futuristic). We can find the key details of the passage and then match these to the ABCs. Some of these diamonds may need a little dusting and processing before the sparkle twinkles in our eyes, but a good analysis will stand the test of scrutiny. Just like a good paleontologist searching for that ancient ruin of fossilized skeleton, we must carefully dig out the pieces and dust them off to unearth the exact placement from the mis-aligned mound of sediment.

    This process is not always as neat as we would like or as exacting in detail; but like the digger of dinosaur bones, we have to occasionally fill in the blanks where certain features are not readily yielded. However, this does not mean that our endeavor is mere guesswork or subjective bias. It means that certain consistent prophetic keys will appear over and over again, and when found, will be in proper alignment with all the other pieces where such pieces exist. Let's examine a passage to see what this means.

Ezekiel 38-39


    Ezekiel presents us with a clearly futuristic vision of a valley of dry bones and a great attack on Israel. In chapters 38 and 39, the great prophet gives specific details concerning war against Israel and describes who will wage it, how it will occur, and when it will happen. By looking at the key details of this passage like a detective examining a case, a certain profile begins to emerge. First we gather the details, then we examine them, and then we fit them together according to our thesis.

Gathering the Facts


Details of Chapter 38:

* Gog and Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal will attack with 5 allies:
          Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, and Togarmah (vv. 1-7)

* The attack will occur in the "latter days" (v. 8,16)

* The attack will be against Israel, a nation that is re-gathered out of the nations and dwelling in perceived safety (v.8,11-12)

* The purpose of the attack will be to take a spOIL (v. 12-13)

* There will a great shaking in the Land at that time (v. 19-20)

* God will rain on the invader a great hail, fire, and brimstone (v. 22)

Details of Chapter 39:

* Only 1/6th of the invading army shall be spared (v. 2)

* The survivors shall retreat to the various northern parts (v. 2)

* God will rain fire on the invader and those that dwell carelessly in the isles (v. 6)

* Israelis will bury and decontaminate the invader's weapons for 7 years exactly (v. 9)

Synopsis of the Details


    The major details of this analysis show that a people comprised of the descendants of Gog and Magog, modern day Russia [note: (Gen.10) centered in Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tubalsk)], will attempt to invade the regathered state of Israel at the end times. They will be allied with five Islamic ethnic powers comprising peoples from North Africa, the Arab states, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Islamic territories of the former Soviet sphere (who knows what actual state boundaries will exist at the time of fulfillment). This strange alliance will be for the presumed purpose of taking a spoil (OIL). The invasion will take place when Israel is supposedly at peace.

    There will be a terrible shaking accompanied by fire and brimstone (nuclear attack), and God will cause destruction to come upon the Russian force and the "careless isle dwellers." These "careless" ones are obviously the only ally of the threatened Israel and the clear counterpart and enemy of the Russian force (no other force is mentioned). Only 1/6th of the Russian force will survive and retreat to Siberia, the most northern part.

All this will take place at the beginning of an exact seven-year period.

Matching up the puzzle pieces


    Like the scholars who deciphered the Rosetta Stone, we must take what is clearly known and use it to interpret that which is obscure. We have to start with the unmistakable events and align them with the ABC's of prophecy. As to timing, Ezekiel's war is at the beginning of a 7 year period. The final shabua, the Tribulation, is the only 7 year period mentioned in Daniel, Matthew 24, and Revelation (or any prophetic passage). This is a great war, but only Russia and five allies attack Israel not the entire world as in Armageddon, i.e. this is not Armageddon since the invaders retreat and Christ does not return. This cannot be during the Millennium since at Christ's return all things are restored; it will not take Jesus seven years to clean up the mess left over from Armageddon.

    The "red" nation of Russia attacks Israel with her "red" army which results in devastation for seven years. According to Point A events, this would correspond to the Red Horse of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:4). We must match up what is given with what we already know to view this section of the overall panorama consistent with the frame of prophetic reference.

    This is Point A, W.W.III. However, the Rapture is not mentioned since the import of this is centered in prophetic fulfillment for the Jews and the Rapture is a mystery not revealed until hundreds of years later by St. Paul during the Church Age. Prophecy is as easy as ABC.

[ Chapter Twelve | Section Three | Table of Contents ]


Revelation 11


    The middle chapters of the Book of Revelation, 11-13, occur in the middle of the section which deals with the Tribulation period. We can apply the same approach as we did in our study of Ezekiel: fact gathering, synopsis, and alignment with prophetic framework. Since God is the author of the Scripture, and we are not dealing with a menagerie of human authors and redactors, we can count on consistency and clarity of interpretation. To expect less is to expect the human and not the divine.

Gathering the Facts


Details from Chapter 11:

* There is a Temple with an altar and worship, the Tribulation Temple (vv. 1-2)

* The Gentile powers will occupy the Temple and Jerusalem for 42 months (v.2)

* Two witnesses prophesy for 42 months/1260 days with impunity (vv. 2-3)

* Moses and Elijah type plagues proceed (vv. 5-6)

* At the end of this period, the two prophets die and are resurrected 3.5 days later (vv. 7-12)

* There is a great earthquake, and then the World becomes Christ's Kingdom (vv. 13-15)

Synopsis of the Details


    During the Tribulation, the Temple is rebuilt and the Gentile powers occupy Jerusalem for 3.5 years. God's two witnesses bring plagues against the Gentile powers and are protected against harm. At the end of this time period, they are killed and resurrected. This is followed by a great earthquake and the return of Christ.

Matching up the Puzzle Pieces


    Where in the ABCs of prophecy does an event surrounding the Temple in Jerusalem occur. When do the final bowl judgments occur? Where is there a period of 3.5 years culminating with a great earthquake and the return of Christ. There is only one place where these things occur.

    This is point B. The Abomination of Desolation is the timeline event where the Antichrist proclaims himself as god to be worshipped in the Temple in Jerusalem (Mat. 24:15). Although Antichrist is not directly mentioned in chapter 11, he is by inference. Chapters 12 and 13 which follow reinforce that conclusion in explicit terms (note: chapters 11-13 all deal with the same basic time period and topic, the Great Tribulation earth ruled by the Satanic Antichrist). He declares war on all believers, and they flee. This explains why it is so special to have two blatant witnesses in the midst of Antichrist's kingdom tormenting him and his people. This also explains why the Antichrists are so glad to see these two dead like all the other witnesses their leader has beheaded.

Go For It!


    Now that we have examined and interpreted an Old Testament and New Testament passages together, try and apply this method to Revelation chapter 12 and 13. See if they speak of the same time period of prophetic events or another. Determine if there is a consistency between these chapters. Match up times and characters to the prophetic chronology embodied in the RAP-ME method. Prophecy is as easy as ABC.

[ Chapter Twelve | Section Three | Table of Contents ]

Zechariah 12


    Zechariah chapter 12 contains one of the most amazing statements in the Old Testament. This was written at least 500 years before Jesus was crucified. It states, "they shall look upon me whom they have pierced" (Zech. 12:10 KJV). This is a clear prediction that the Jews will recognize the crucified Jesus as their Messiah. Obviously this was not fulfilled at the first coming of our Lord. That leaves only one other possibility.

Gathering the Facts


Details of Chapter 12:

* Jerusalem will be under siege (v. 2)

* all the people of the earth will be gathered against Israel (v. 3)

* God will smite the armies (v. 4)

* God will destroy all the nations who have come against Jerusalem (v. 9)

* The Jews will recognize and mourn for their Messiah (v. 10)

* Mourning in the valley of Meggido (v. 11)

Synopsis of Details


    At a future time, Jerusalem will be under siege by all the armies of the earth. God will destroy Israel's enemies, and the Jews will recognize Jesus as their Messiah. This will occur at a time when the Valley of Meggido is center stage.

Matching Up the Puzzle Pieces


    When will the nation of Jewish people receive their Messiah? When will all the Antichrist armies of the world be destroyed? Where did Armageddon get its name? Of course, the answers to these questions are easy to the student of prophecy. Christ will return at the Parousia and the Nation of Israel, the Jewish people, will receive Him. Jesus will return in the clouds of heaven and destroy the armies of the world who are gathered in the valley below the fortress city of Har Meggido, commonly called Armageddon. This is point C of the ABCs of prophecy. This is the final event of the 7 year Tribulation.

    This is not W.W.III, since this involved all the armies of the world against Jerusalem. This is not W.W.III, since Christ returns. This is not W.W.III, since the repercussions of a nuclear conflict do not continue on for seven years of cleanup. This is the final event of world history as we know it. This is the big finale!

Go For It!


    Now that we have examined this Old Testament prophetic passage together, try and apply this method to the following passages, Zechariah chapter 13 and 14. See if they speak of the same time period of prophetic events or maybe even distant ones. Determine if there is a consistency between these chapters. Match up times and characters to the prophetic chronology embodied in the RAP-ME method. Prophecy is as easy as ABC.

Some Chapters/passages of Prophetic Study


    Try studying the chapters and passages listed below. Apply the principles of interpretation and the RAP-ME method and see where the texts fit in the ABCs of prophecy:
Old Testament:
Isaiah 65, 66
Ezekiel 36 - 39
Daniel 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
Joel Entire Book
Zechariah 13, 14
New Testament:
Matthew 24 (cp. Mark 13 / Luke 21)
1 Corinthians 15
1 Thessalonians 4, 5
2 Thessalonians  1, 2
2 Peter 2, 3
Revelation Entire Book
* There are many more passages but this will serve as an introduction

[ Chapter Twelve | Section Three | Table of Contents ]

Notes For Chapter Twelve


* Reserved for future notes



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