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In the beginning...

This website started as an experiment. I had gathered a great deal of information about Tia and Tamera over a period of time and wanted to make use of it.
Also I wanted to learn the art of web-page this seemed like a good place to start - especially considering the low count of fan-pages about Tia and Tamera there were at that time. More sites have emerged since then..!

The first edition was launched on March 12 1998...and this is the 4th edition you're looking at.
It seems the more you study Tia and Tamera - their life and career - the more you get smitten by their exceptional personality and charisma. Well...that's what happened to me. If you are a fan yourself, I'm sure you know what I mean

The info compiled on these pages partly originates from the Internet itself. For that reason the accuracy of every bit of information cannot be fully confirmed. However, adjustments are made as I become aware of them.
Many people have supplied me with valuable ideas, information and news about Tia and Tamera. I'm deeply grateful for that. This site wouldn't have been the same without the contributions from the people mentioned in the credits page.


Tech stuff...

These pages has been tested on MS Internet Explorer 4.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x. As long as you use a browser with frames-capability, there should be no problems. I deliberately chose not to use any fancy plug-in's, they would only slow down the performance. It's all pure HTML coding...with a little JavaScript to spice it up!

The layout of the pages are designed to be flexible and will adjust to your current screen size. However the best result is achieved with a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels or higher.

If the images and colors seems dotted or distorted your color settings are probably set too low. Use at least 16 bit colors for best results.

All coding was done using MS Frontpage 98.
All graphics were handled using Paint Shop Pro 5 from Jasc inc.
Audio sampling and editing were done with GoldWave by Chris S. Craig and compressed using MP3 Compressor by MP3hC.
Video still-pictures were captured with a Trust Video Movie Editor board using a JVC HR-S5000EH Super-VHS video source. Then post-edited with Paint Shop Pro 5. case you were wondering :)


about me...

My legal name is Jens Kaempegaard - but you can call me Jek for short.
I live in a middle sized city called Herning in Denmark, Scandinavia.
I spend my daytime in an IT-department of a large Danish foodprocessing company. Among my interests are computers, the Internet, friends, movies, sitcoms, R&B music, musicals and stage lighting...oh and Tia and Tamera, of course.

It was a local TV-station that first introduced me to the world of Tia and Tamera by airing Sister Sister back in 1996 for the first time in Denmark. Later that year I spent some vacation in Hollywood visiting all the famous studio facilities. During the Paramount Studio Tour our guide suddenly asked the crowd: "Anybody watch Sister Sister?" I instantly went "YEP!" waving my arm in the air - as the only person in the group, I realized. Then the guide opened a stage door - and their it was: The Set of Sister Sister. I couldn't believe my eyes. Unfortunately their were no twins in sight. Actually, when I think about it, the set was completely empty. But the main decorations were sitting right there - easy recognizable. To the left: Tia and Tamera's bedroom and the hallway. Then the kitchen next to the main living room and finally the Roosevelt High hallway complete with lockers and everything.

In the space between the audience stand and the set itself sat a big table with chairs around it. I assume this is where the table reads are done. But hey - I could be wrong! Anyway, let me just say this: If you ever go to L.A., make sure you do the Paramount Tour. It's the BOMB!!!




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