About Me
        -Well First Statistics-
Jellicle Name: Vimala
Real Name: Tracy
Age: 19
Birthday: September 11

My name's Tracy, and I've been a cats fan ever since my friend Mitchell dragged me into the vast world of musicals! I like most teens hated school, the only thing that kept me sane during school was the beginning drafts of the first book of, "The Jemima Chronicles". Eventually, I got so into the story that I took an art class to get better at drawing, so I could draw the characters.(Turns out that class didn't help me at all) All we drew we're landscapes. But I still drew and drew, and I'm pretty good at it now. Anyway, Cats. When I first got Cats on christmas a few years back I stayed up all night and watched it, over and over.(We opened gifts at midnight) I didn't go to bed the next night, either.(Had very bad headache the day after that of course) But Jemima was just *bing*!! When I saw that black scarlet queen, I knew she was my favorite. (Don't get me wrong, I love all the other cats just as much) Up to date, I've seen that CATS video over 300 times possibly over 400, I lost count over 182. I even had to but a new disc, because I wore out my original CATS video. I suppose that is a bit obssesive, but it did keep me in shape, and just listening to that music kept me calm.(grew up without a family) Anyway, When I got the chance to see it live, wow! I liked it a whole lot better than the video. I don't watch CATS as much, since I'm more into going outside, and working on my CATS story, but I will probably love CATS my whole life. I mean CATS changed my life, I've always performed in front of audiences of 500 people(which grew every year) since I was 3. CATS made me realize that, I wanted to pursue a Career in Theatre/Acting. The fact that I was already living my dream, was great, and I hope I always live my dream.Which is why I plan to move ou of Michigan, as soon as possible, and go to either New York or California. =^.^=
Hey, It's Jemima and Victoria. This is one of my favorite pictures.
It's Jemima and the Rum Tum Tugger, now this is my all time favorite picture!!! I don't know, they just look so  cute together.
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