Season 1

Episode 1 - "Truth Be Told"
Episode 2 - "So It Begins"
Episode 3 - "Parity"
Episode 4 - "A Broken Heart "
Episode 5 - "Doppleganger"
Episode 6 -"Reckoning"
Episode 7 - "Color Blind"
Episode 8 - "Time Will Tell"
Episode 9 - "Mea Culpa"
Episode 10 - "Spirit"
Episode 11 - "The Confession"
Episode 12 - "The Box (Part 1)"
Episode 13 - "The Box (Part 2)"
Episode 14 - "The Coup"
Episode 15 - "Page 47"
Episode 16 - "The Prophecy"
Episode 17 - "Q&A"
Episode 18 - "Masquerade"
Episode 19 - "Snowman"
Episode 20 - "The Solution"
Episode 21 - "Rendezvous"
Episode 22 - "Almost 30 Years"

 Date Air : Oct  14  2001 

      Sydney is holding the nuclear weapon's plutonium core in her hand, when Hassan catches her — and puts a gun to her head. Using the core as a distraction, she knocks Hassan out, and dodges soldiers' bullets as she escapes.

Upon return, her Sloane sends Sydney and Dixon to Madrid to steal a lockbox, containing a sketch with what appears to be digital code...drawn in the late 15th century by a seer, named Milo Rambaldi. There are two sketches, containing the entire code, only when seen together...and SD-6 needs the second one. However, a rival Russian agency is also after the sketch, and Sydney discovers that she is up against her deadly K-Directorate rival, Anna Espinosa, whom we identify now by the eye tattoo on her hand.

In secret, Sydney meets Vaughn along the Santa Monica pier, and tells him about the sketch...but Vaughn also informs her that he's been taken off of her case, and a senior officer has been assigned in his place.

      In Madrid, Sydney visits a show at the Auto Museo, where the box is hidden, while Dixon monitors outside in a van. She discovers that Anna is also there who, one step ahead, has the lockbox. After an intense fight, Sydney gains possession of the box.
Back home, Will is still curious about Danny's murder...But after requesting surveillance footage from traffic cameras around Danny's former apartment on the night of the murder, he discovers that all of these cameras went out within a mile of the apartment on precisely that night.

Later, he and Sydney get a little drunk after an evening out, and later at her apartment, a playful moment turns into a kiss — and a moment of shocking discomfort for them both.

Meanwhile, Francie leaks that she and boyfriend Charlie haven't been intimate in a while and that she is worried. Sydney suggests it's because he's been busy...until Francie discovers that he had no law review the previous night. When Charlie assures Francie that he is not having an affair, she is satisfied, until later discovering a matchbook with a woman's name and phone number.

Back at SD-6, Marshall cannot open the lockbox, and if he forces it open, a concealed piece of technology inside will destroy the sketch. Knowing that Anna has the key to the lockbox, Sloane arranges with K-Directorate for Sydney to meet Anna in Berlin, open the box and view the sketch together. Sloane knows that K-Directorate doesn't know that there are two sketches that make the entire code.


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