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name: joscelyn
on the messageboard: bluefyre
birthday: june 30, 1988
bands: vast, u2, the cure, the faint, culture club, the smtihs, nine inch nails, placebo, echo and the bunnymen, marilyn manson, new order,  danny elfman, queen
colors: red, black (could you tell?), blue
poet/poem: charles baudelaire - the owls
guys (sorry, i couldnt resist): robert smith (so cuddly!), jon crosby (woot!), benji and joel (twins!), aidan gillen ( how can you resist a guy in a cape and leather boots!?)
movies: this is spinal tap,amadeus, the nightmare before christmas, donnie darko, the matrix, the excorcist, bowling for columbine, silence of the lambs, school of rock, the blues brothers
hate: the dark
like: (see bands, guys, movies) practicing guitar, piano, justina (bahahahaha), music in general, everything 80's, art
bless me ultima, a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series (douglas adams), anything/everything by oscar wilde
awesome sites:

best page in the universe
vast messageboard
very good cure site

my old sites
(which, by the way, are not awesome)
pictures (come on you know you want to see)
favorite pictures (hehe):
best...picture...ever...[simon and robert smith]
hmm...look familiar?
jon crosby on the left, robert smith on the right..

email me at [email protected]
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