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theres a sun
theres a ground under my feet
there's almost nothing in between
now i'm left
like a flag on top a moon
precious one you have abandoned me

so let me in
because i'm out
i know that i am someone
no one said i was

should i call you
should i reach out
it feels like chasing shadows
in the night

yea let me in
because i'm out
i know that i am someone
no one said i was

thrown away
have i been thrown away

theres a sun
theres a ground under my feet
there is almost nothing in between
now im left
like a storm under the sea
precious one you have abandoned me

so let me in
because i'm out
i know that i am someone
no one said i was

thrown away
have i been thrown away
thrown away
have i been thrown away
email me at [email protected]
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