Blindman's knot or the bowline
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Blindman's knot (otherwise known as the bowline)

The bowline is "taught" as the most important of knots, but, the instructions on how to tie it are often confusing. Here's a different method for tying the knot which I call the blindman's method. This approach lets one firmly grip the line or rope in the right hand while making the knot. This is the safe way. You never let go of the rope and if you have trouble tying the knot you can easily start over. If these instructions are followed, after one has tied the knot a couple of times, he or she can tie it with eyes closed, under water, in the dark or where ever it is necessary to make the knot.

The purpose of this knot is to make a loop which is large enough to put around a post, a bumper (on a truck or car) or a body. The knot is secure (will not come loose), will not slip, is strong (does not decrease the strength of the rope) and is easy to untie.

Here's the method:

1) Grasp the rope firmly in your right hand.
2) If you want a large loop, grasp the rope further up, for a smaller loop, grasp the rope toward the free end.
3) Make an upside-down U in the rope where you are holding it with your right hand and firmly hold the U in place. The upside-down U will be between your thumb and forefinger.
4) Take the free end of the rope in your left hand very close to the end.
5) Make a half-hitch by twisting the rope end (This is a loop with the end of the rope underneath)
6) Place the half-hitch over the U which is being held in your right hand.(This is called throwing a half-hitch.)
7) You may have to hold the half-hitch in place with the thumb of your right hand.
8) Take the free end of the rope and place it through the upside-down U.
9) Pull on the free end to tighten the knot.
10) Your blindman's knot (bowline) is tied.

Note: You can tie the rope around some object (a body) as you go, or put the loop over an object after the knot is tied. A visit of the site - gives a pictorial of the "other way" to tie the knot. Try tying the knot both ways, then practice the blindman's knot method, it may save your life.


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