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John McCain - Turncoat!

Turncoat is a harsh word indeed,
To describe this one who doth plead:
“It’s an injustice to wear this name
Bearing the weight of other’s shame”.

But wait before you with him agree,
The term was written to describe such as he.
Watch him if you dare,
Aiming blunderbusses without care.

The press excites him
Like a lady of the street entices him
Offering just a little more
Exposure. She’s a common w------.

He rises to the occasion for a romp
Under the lights with the trollop.
Cameras are poised to catch him at his play
Dilly-dallying along the way.

He stands in his favorite pose
The mike just beyond his photogenic nose.
And sharply he pontificates
On this President, whom he surely hates.

An expert in the topic of the day
He always has something to say!
On subjects that excite
Especially if the Post does endite.

Seditious thoughts flash before his eyes
As he compounds his arrogance with lies.
Forgetting that Article III, Section three
of the Constitution* applies to men like he.

But now pass back to another time,
When words are even harder to make rhyme.
At a swill filled trough, McCain and Glenn did partake.
Their pockets filled, but never appetites could they sate.

As members of the “Keaton Five”, they accepted gifts
From the Savings and Loan (so called thrifts)
His fellows said. “It can’t be a crime,
After-all, we do it all the time.”

Sure, he did benefit
When in the group of five did sit
Giving aid to a poor banker-man in distress
‘Twas the California home-loan mess.

Keaton was not poor at all.
Appeared humble; what gall!
Robbing widows and children
Was his way to win.

Congress ruled that when Keaton tossed this “dog” a bone
McCain was not beholden to the Savings and Loan.
Long as money changed hands, not
Other gifts were fine to put in the pot.

Mc was humbled, it is true,
But how to pay back vacations due.
Presents and gifts generously partaken
Can’t be returned, if I’m not mistaken.

Watch him rise to join “his” friends
Chastised by Congress, is how the party ends.
A corrupt Republican
Joining four Democrats, hand in hand.

Now. Time has passed,
He’s gained the moral ground at last!
He attacks those who play
“His” game in the same old way.

Campaign finance reform’s his plea,
For others; not for him, you see.
He’s above it all, you must believe.
Surely(?), John McCain would not deceive.

You find him like a recovered alcoholic
Preaching abstinence to the public,
But, still sneaking a nip now and then
For health and vigor is the mien.

On SEC regulation, he’s an authority in a flash.
Remember, he knew when it was improper to take cash!
Giving opinions like King Solomon
Paired up with the likes of Lieberman.

An expert on war in Potomac Town.
After all, he was shot down
That’s his favorite crutch
When the heat of debate gets too much.

So now we see John McCain as he is,
The emperor without clothes reveals his a…
Preaching sedition as he goes,
This jackal nev’r changed his clothes.

* “Treason against the United States shall consist
Only in levying war against them,
Or in adhering to their enemies,
Giving them aid and comfort.”


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