Piss Ants
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The Piss Ants*

They live in their own hole in the ground
Never venturing far from the beltway round
Some like the Byrd, has a stinger which he reserves for those
Dastardly Republican foes
Small, shrunken and wissen he pontificates as a Constitutional Scholar
Twisting words to make them, as he sees fit, to burden others like a priest’s collar.
Exposing his backside for all to see
When he joins in support of the party.
Makes no difference ‘tween right and wrong,
From his view, long as it’s the Democrat’s song.
Now, joining others to block the Public’s wishes
An unconstitutional show, support’ng the party bitches.
As know to all, the ants have a queen
It remains for the public to determine her mien.
Does Byrd dance to her tune or is he a drone
Having no function but to harass the opponents til they’re gone?
Surely he’s not one of the suitors for her favor
No female could be so lacking in fev’r.
He’s a worker much to undisciplined
Task’d to attack and defend.
So like the piss ants that they are, they’re bold
They have a sting but serve no useful role.
As they emerge from their liar’s lair
Enraged that someone should actually dare
To transgress on their territory
Providing the public with a picture of their state, so sorry.
As with the screw-worm of old,
The solution to the Nation’s problem is a step, bold.
Mate the queen with this sterile male
The population dwindles as they rant and rale.
Is this their fate?
I surely hope so, we haven’t much time to wait.


* On the Senate’s rejection of Miquel Estrada by a rule that is unconstitutional and will if continued to be exercised cause the government to grind to a standstill with major appropriation bills blocked and nominees held in limbo.


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