Kabataang Makabayan
40 years of resilient commitment to the revolution (1964-2004)

Art and culture
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June 12, 2005 statement posted (June 20, 2005)

Feb. 15 and Feb. 21, 2005 statements posted (Mar. 27, 2005)

New images posted posted (Feb. 2, 2005)

Last update:
June 20, 2005

This is the official website of the Kabataang Makabayan, revolutionary NDFP member organization of Filipino youth. Maintenance is done by the KM National Secretariat.

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F. Camus

Kabataang Makabayan, in its historic role as the vanguard organization of Filipino youth, should know the balance of forces between imperialism and feudalism on the one hand and national democracy on the other. On the side of U.S. imperialism are the compradors and the big landlords. On the side of national democracy are the broad masses of our people, composed of the working class and the peasantry to which the vast majority of the Filipino youth today belong; the petty bourgeoisie, composed of small property-owners, students, intellectuals and professionals; and the national bourgeoisie, composed of Filipino entrepreneurs and traders.

From the present scheme of social classes, we can derive a new and powerful combination of youth-the students, young professionals, labor youth and the peasant youth. Above all, the Filipino youth should integrate themselves with the masses in order to achieve victory in the fight for national freedom and democracy.

Kabataang Makabayan, as the vanguard organization of the Filipino youth, should assist in the achievement of an invincible unity of all national classes and forces to push further the struggle for national and social liberation in all fields-economic, political, cultural, military-against the leading enemy, U.S. imperialism, and against the persistent and pervasive main enemy, landlordism. Both have frustrated the national democratic aspirations of the Philippine revolution of 1896 and have made the suffering and exploitation of our people more complex and more severe.

(Quoted from the KM founding speech, SND 3rd ed.)

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