Berry Apple Pie
Makes 8 Servings


Pastry for couble crust pie
1 cup sugar
4 teaspoons q1uick-cooking tapioca
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups fresh blackberries
2 cups xliced, peeled apples
2 tablespoons battuer, cut up


1. Prepare pastry and divide in half.  Form each half into a ball.  On a lightly floured surface, roll one ball of the pastry into a 12-inch circle.  Transfer the rolled-out pastry onto 1 9-inch pie plate.

2. In large mixing bowl, stir together the sugar, tapioca and cinnamon.  Add the blackberries and apple slices.  toss gently till coated.  Let stand 15 minutes.

3. spoon filling into pastry-lined pie plate.  Dot with butter.  Trim pastry even with edge of the pie plate.  Moisten the edge of the pastry with water.

4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the remaining pstry into a 12-inch circle.  Cut slits in the pastry to let steam escape.  Place pastry on the filling.  Trim the top crust to 1/2 inch beyond edge of pie plate.  Fold top pastry and crimp edge.  Cover edge of crust with foil to prevent overbrowning.

5. Bake in a 375 degrees oven for 25 minutes.  Remove the foil. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes more or till the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly.  cool on a wire rack.
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