Rachel's Bread
This recipe comes from my friend Rachel it was her grandmother's recipe.  It's not only good for bread, but makes great rolls and delicious fry bread.

2 cups boiling water
2 pkgs yeast
2 Tablespoons shortening
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
9-11 cups of flour

In a large bowl soften the yeast in water that has cooled slightly. 
Add shortening, sugar, salt beaten eggs and 3 cups of flour. 
Beat vigorously with a dough whisk or a heavy-handled spoon, for 2 minutes.
Gradually stir in more of the remaining flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until the dough forms a mass and begins to pull awayfrom the sides of the bowl.
Turn the dough out onto work surface. 
Knead adding more of the flour as necessary, you may not need all the flour.  Knead for 8-10 minutes until dough becomes elastic and begins to blister on surface.

Put dough into oiled bowl.  Turn to coat the entire ball of dough with oil.  Cover with a tightly woven kitchen towel and let rise for about 1 hour or until doubled in size.

Turn dough out onto a lightly oiled surface. 
Divide the dough in half. 
Punch down and form into loaves. 
Place each half in bread pan, seam side down. 
Cover and let rise until double about 45 minutes.

Bake in 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.
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