The elves and the dwarves are in reality the females and males of this

ancient race respectfully. Even though they live apart, their shared ancestry

binds them in ways most humans would never understand.

While having cultural difference, they share two unique and personal

ceremonies. The first is the Gathering. This yearly event involves an invasion

by the dwarves into elven villages. While this may seem pretty violent (and

there are some injuries, but death is very rare) this is all a part of complex

mating ritual. When the battle is over the dour dwarves actually show a side that

they normally keep hidden and join in the festivities planned by the Elf maidens.

Slowly as the night progresses, couples will sneak off for some private

celebration of their own.

In the morning the dwarves will give Fleetings (gifts that are made to

last only a short time) to their partners of the night before and quietly return to

their mountain homes. Sometimes when they leave, they will take any boy who

showed promise of being a warrior by trying to protect the village and do so

with any innate skill. This leads us to the second shared ceremony.

The second ceremony is the Weaning. At around age 14 or so male

children begin to show their dwarvish ascpect (it is to be noted that elven, half

elven and dwarf children develop at a rate twice as slow as human children ie. a

14 year elf maiden would only look like a 7 year old human girl). Up to this

point they resembles their sisters (without the pointy ears). They begin to

broaden and slow down in height growth. Also peach fuzz begins to show on

their chin (dwarven males begin growing facial hair before they enter puberty).

It is at this time, the elves gather up the boys and deliver them to their fathers.

The ceremony is solemn with the elven maidens stopping 10 km from the city

and telling the boys to move on. At the end of their journey, the guildmasters of

the dwarves await the children to decide which guild the child will be assigned


Except for these ceremonies, elves and dwarves live two seperate

lives. Elves live in forest communities that are very communal in nature. They

share the work amongst each other and have a very loose hierarchy. Generally

the oldest elf is the defacto ruler for the day to day running of the village.

Important matters are generally decided upon by the whole community. Elves

also have no organized religion. They believe that living thier life and keeping

Arlenia in their heart is worship enough.

Dwarves on the other hand, live in mountain towns bordering on

their mines and Fortresses (a combination of above and below ground

defenses). They have social status based on ones level in his guild and how that

relates to the other guilds. Ranking from the lowly apprentice all the way up to

Guildmaster and the Mountain King, a dwarf knows his place in his society.

Throughout his life until he can attain the rank of High Craftsman, a dwarf's life

revolves around testing of his ability to determine the level of his ability.

An example of dwarven ranks is Journeyman Weaponsmith Rank 2 (one being

the best and ten the worst).

The Guild of the Arcane handles both the teaching of dwarven

magic and the worship of Aia and Vord. They handles the many dwarven

ceremonies through out the year. The most important of these is Vord's birth

on midsummer eve. Acolytes of the guild follows different hierarchy then the

other guilds and their Guildmaster does not vote in the Guild Council. But their

influence in dwarven society as advisors is still significant.

If a young dwarf can not make it in any of the guild, he becomes a

member of the Guildless. These are grunt workers, soldiers, farmers and

miners of dwarven society. While looked down upn by members of the guilds,

most elder dwarves recognizes their contribution to dwarvish society.


Soul at 5 or greater

Special Defense (Unaging): 2cp, Feature (Night Vision): 1 cp, Heighten Sense (hearing): 1cp, Special Movements (Balance): 1 cp, and Stealth (Hearing):1cp,

Defects: Marked: 1 bp and Not so Strong: 1 bp.

Special Notes: Female Characters only. Elf Maidens can produce children with humans but this is rare and requires a moment of pure love during sex for a child to be conceive.

Half Elves

Stats: Normal

Attributes: Special Defense (Slow Aging): 1cp

Defects: Marked: 1 bp

Special Notes: Sometimes half elves takes after their mothers and have abilities similar to their elven parents. Dwarves view these children with disgust and in a few Gatherings, Half Elves have wound up dead. At the same time their slow aging and slight elven feature sets them apart from human culture.


Stats: Body at 5 or greater

Attributes: Special Defense (Slow Aging): 1 cp, Features (Night Vision and Directional Sense (underground only)): 2 cp, Heighten Sense (hearing): 1 cp, Damn Healthy: 1 cp,

Defects: Marked: 1 bp and Not So Fast: 1 bp

Special Notes: Male Characters only

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