Hosted/Gift Art

Here's the page for all the nice pictures people send me. I don't have very much at the moment, but I hope that'll change in time. They are divided by artist.

By Machias Banshee
Azure Does Vegas - A really cool pic by talented Machias Banshee (Amy Dumas). My first hosted fan art! Yay! The figure in the middle is Azure Turtle, after his vacation in Las Vegas. I'm the one on the left, and Machias is on the right.
Azure Does Vegas - take two - Just like the above pic, except with a Las Vegas type background.

By Azure Turtle - Azure's Lair
Azure's Glomp - Artist says: "Ever since my good friend Kali made those pics of her glomping me, I've been itching to return the favor. So here it is, in SD form. I think I got a little carried away, though..."
I say: This is so cute! Hee hee, I've been glomped by a blue mutant turtle! *sigh* Life is good. :D

By Loolaa
Azure Kisses Kali Part One - Way too cute! Based on a forum situation in which I said Azure was predictable, so he did this. I never saw it coming!
Azure Kisses Kali Part Two - The second part, the aftermath! (Although it didn't happen in the forum.) Bwahahahahaha! I love my expression in this one!
Kali and Raphael - Originally done for a challenge but not quite finished in time. But I'm really glad she finished it anyway. I really gotta do some thank you art for this girl.

By Tora_Chan - Tora_Chan's Page It's in German, but even if you can't read it, it's got some cool TMNT pictures.
Demon Kali - This cute picture of Kali's demon form was sent to me by Tora_Chan.
Demon Kali 2 - The colored version of the above pic, by Tora_Chan of course.

By Red
Kali 'n Raph - This super cool pic was sent to me by Red. I totally love it.

By Sango - Sango's TMNT Art Page
Blaine and Sango - Cool gift art from Sango-chan of my character Blaine and her character Sango.

By Kyabetsu (will put up e-mail and site links soon)
Splinter Mobile - It's the Splinter Mobile! Complete with Pimp Daddy Splinter and all his Ladies. Plus one guest. *wink* From bottom clockwise there's Splinter (driving), Azure, Machias, Tinselcat, Kya, Skeletoncrew, and myself. I think.
Fan Fic Awards Winners! Panoramic pic. It's a selection of winners from the 2002 Fan Fiction Awards, and the Turtles, of course. Let's see if I can get everyone: Leo, Vespera, Tinselcat, Splinter, Skeletoncrew, Azure, Kali, Kya, GreenWillow, Phish(?), Raph, HorseTechie, Don, Mikey, Machias, and Terran. Wow, that's a lot of people.
Hotter than Hell - Kya says: "milky skin, ebony wings, and a dress that spills around her like a puddle of blood..." I say, this looks so totally cool. Showed some friends, and they said it was a pretty good likeness. Thanks so much, Kya! Isn't she wonderful, folks? *applause for Kya*

By Tinselcat - TC's Starship
Kali Gargoyle - Cool fan art by the talented Tinselcat! Totally love the clothes and the overall goth feel.

By Grunger Kittie - Website
Raph's Sign - Sweet surprise pic from Grunger Kittie over at the Technodrome. It's Raph, isn't he just the cutest?

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