Garret Duncan

By Karin Wikoff

Copyright 1991

Quick pulling, tingling,
spreading, tightening,
tensing muscles;
breath hissing slowly,
controlled, through
teeth lightly clenched;
pain beginning, spreading,
nerve-end to nerve-end;
a scream bursts, long
and relieving,
the perfect release;
the time is near --

the time is now:
twice-tested muscles
have a sure grip this time,
bear down firmly,
the mass begins to move,
hair seen in the mirror -
close but
tension eases;
I take a deep breath,
controlled, I savor my power,
a moment's hiatus,
my husband and I shake out
a cramp in my leg then
I gather my strength and
contraction swells, rolls, blossoms,
a pit beneath my ribs
I push hard, steadily,
my voice vibrating in my belly,
pressure growing, wide
between my legs,
stretched taut,
the head crowns,
slips through, like passing a melon;
the midwife works out a shoulder
and an arm
the -whoosh-
without even pushing
a stream of hot, wet
baby and fluid
all rush out together,
warm with new life -
our second son,
fruit of my labor,
cord fully knotted
but baby is fine.

On my chest he lifts
his new-born head
on his strong untried neck
and looks straight into my eyes.

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