Karin Wikoff
[email protected]

Additional Education: Coursework in Computer Science

IST 634 Security in Networked Environments Syracuse University, School of Info Studies Spring 2002
IST 553 Information Architecture for Internet Services Syracuse University, School of Info Studies Spring 2002
IST 600-3 Website Content Management with XML Syracuse University, School of Info Studies Summer 2001
CS 132: Computer Programming (C++ plus Data Structures) Wells College Spring 2001
CS 131: Computer Programming (C++) Wells College Fall 2000
Access 97: Advanced Ikon Technology Services July 1999
Access 97: Level 1-2 Ikon Technology Services July 1999
Windows 95: Advanced User Ikon Technology Services Jan 1998
CS 385: Network Architecture and Programming Wells College Sep-Dec 1997
CS 275: Basic Computer Repair BOCES Sep-Dec 1995
CS 102: Business & Management Software Wells College Feb-May 1994
CS 101: Introduction to Computers Wells College Feb-May 1994

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