This is gonna be one awesome page dedicated to a team that is the opposite: The Chicago Cubs
When people say the Yanks suck, its just cuz they dont like them. When people say the cubs suck, its because they dont win games.
Awww poor sammy is hurt. Maybe now he'll stop taking steroids.
Youre telling me hes not gay?
My name is Sammy Sosa and I like to do this cool thing after I hit a homerun that I usually wouldnt hit if I wasnt taking a certain drug.
Cool your jets sammy, thats a little high tech for the world today.
Yes, that is sammy on the left, its not some other guy that they put on there to make him look bad.
Quack, Quack
More interesting cub things
Heres a little joke I made up:

Q; What do baby bears do to each others ears?

A; The cubs suck!

(By the way, cub bears do suck each others ears. I really dont know why.)
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How bout them cubbies, almost made it to the world series. i hate how the cub fans blame it all on steve bartman. he messed up one play, not the entire inning. its the cubs poor play and suckiness that made them lose. cubs fans are so stupid.
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