OK, heres all of Shanes rhymes so far:
I love to play baseball, Im gonna be in the hall, of fame, not like Pete Rose and show shame, because I didnt take the blame, because I gambled on the game, well its all the same and you know my name.  As I stand for the song, I know its gonna be long, as it nears the end, I stand with my girlfriend, and we clap are hands in the grandstands.    As the innings commence, I get ready for the offense, and I stare down the defense. Its looking like a good match up as Im doing my warm-up and I start to walk up to the base and I tie my shoe lace. I take a look at the ace and I realize that its Mark Grace. Well he throws the first pitch and it starts to go in the ditch and it hits me in the back and I get ready to attack, and I realize that if I charge the mound I may end up on the ground, on the bottom of a pile for a while, so I better think before I blink, and I decide to pace to the base and I make a face at the pitcher and scream we dont want a belly itcher.  So when the balls in your hand and your ready to expand, pull the leg up and your ready for the wind up, look at the hitters face while he is ready to embrace, because he thinks he gonna hit it to outer space, so when I throw the curve, you better observe as it goes over the plate and you hesitate, you take a swing and you go golfing, and you miss the ball and you start to fall, you see the ump start to jump because he is gonna yell to the crowd really loud, YOUR OUT, so you head to the dugout, and you try to punch the wall out.  So the coach tells you to take a chill pill or he will send you back to the farm system in Nashville.  Then you will be buying your clothes from goodwill.  As I head out to right field I I start to yield, as I hear the crowd applaud and I take a look up at God, also known as Jihad, he gives me his grace to play like an ace. As I wait for the ball I stand tall, and I see the ball start to head for the wall, so I run as fast as I can, even faster than the kids chasing the ice cream man, then I stumble and fall into the grass, I start to get harassed, by the Klan, japans, and the afghans, so I get up and I get the ball, I throw it to shortstop, I see him flop into third, I know I got hammered, they charge me with an error and I say I dont care, Then the coach took me out and said I blew the shutout, So they took me out and I started to shout when they put in Bobby Hill who is probably from Brazil, I see him play and I know he aint halfway, as good as me.  Well they hit him the ball and he dives in the air as the ump yells fair, and he gloves the ball just before the fall, and the ump yells out and we start to shout as the innings over and they bring in pitcher Gary Glover.  When you step up to the plate, you look over at your teammate, and he points to the sky and waves goodbye, so you grip your bat like your ready for combat, and you focus on the ball as I imagine it over the wall, he throws the change up I start to backup, and I let my leg down, as I know its out as it hits the wood, I look at the babe and say Damn am I good..  So I round the base with a smile on my face, I pass Giambi at first and I run feet first, then I pass Jeter, and I call him a cheater, while I stare at his face and head to third base, I take a look at Zeile as I do a cartwheel, and I round for home in the astrodome, And I head for home plate, as I meet my teammates, they lift be in the air and you better beware, because the Cubs are back, and there on track to win the series  

Shower Rhyme:
Im takin a showa, be back in a hour, if your not there, I don't care cus i'm bare and i'm washin my hair and i'm gettin clean so I got a good hygiene, and i'm really cold and this rhyme is gettin old, so i'm gonna stop before this rhyme goes nonstop  

Crime Rhyme:
If it was a crime to rhyme, I would go to jail for blackmail.  Cus if I couldnt Rhyme my whole lifetime, then I guess I wouldnt be in my prime and I would only get paid a dime, and its almost my bedtime so im gonna end this rhyme  

The Man Rhyme:  
I am a man, I know a girl named Ann, I like a girl named Susan, My friend Leah is tan, I used to know a man in the Klan, Osama is from Afghan, my brother watches Tarzan, Braiden likes superman and batman, Karl Malones nickname is the Mailman, one of my teachers drives a Sedan, the princess's name was Diane, I work with a man name Fran, Cory's dad is Dan,  I like to play the games, hangman, pac man, and stuntman, as I write this im building a snowman and doin a virus scan, I just got done watchin the movie Spiderman, In NASCAR they have a flagman and an oil can, im a track man and I outran the post man, I wanna be on the show Strong man, I almost ran to Japan to deliver a van to the koran, I just noticed that we have alot of useless man, we have the iceman, milkman, newsman, doorman, spaceman, free-man. plus we have alot of pans, theres the bedpan, dustpan, dishpan, hardpan, saucepan.  Well before I began, the plan was to write as much as I can, an I passed that span, so I just ended the man rhyme 

Leah M.  Rhyme:
Leah loves to go to the Y, and I guess I made her cry She does good in the game, especially in the tenth frame I think god gave her a gift if you get my drift She has pretty eyes and I aint telling no lies She is home schooled, but dont be fooled She is really smart and she is a sweetheart She likes IBC, they probably sing better than me But I dont care because Leah has long hair She just moved to Fond du Lac and I think thats really whacked She loves Travis and wants to give him a kiss She likes to LOL even when shes in a crowd But what I really hate is when we start to debate, cus then we dont skate She always says Im sweet, but sometimes I am upbeat I hope she is my friend till the end, of time even after reading this rhyme She is 16 and she loves to be clean She takes a shower like every other hour She cant wait to get her license so she can drive around on the weekends She wants a car, maybe a Jaguar She is in choir and she loves to sit around bonfires She really loves to pray, especially on Thursday  So thats all for now, I will try to say somehow Leah you are my friend, and always will be to the End! 

Chris Rhyme
I got this friend named Chris, all I know about him is this He is really cool and he never is cruel He is always there when I need someone to care Hes good at ball, and he hates to brawl He loves KJ-52 and he has email through yahoo He likes the Supertones and he cant wait for KM to break Milestones Hes got a sis who thinks shes a princess Hes got a bro who can go with the flow He loves his cat as much as he loves to chat Hes got a job and it aint with the mob He works with Zack and they put books back He is a sophomore and he works by a drugstore  He drives a dodge and his house has a garage He wants to go to Michigan Tech, but first he must get a big paycheck He was good in the play even when the star started to sway He loves the mob, because they rob the bank to pay for the Yanks He likes to go to the Y and sprawl out like a walleye But till the end, we will defend Our fame and nicknames of BALLAZ and PLAYAZ 

Fresh Prince 
Has been great since The inventions of the blueprints If you want any hints Dont follow his footprints Cus you will be wearing shin splints U cant really miss him while he is wearing his chintz  

The Ref Rhyme
He is really tall and he thinks he can ref b-ball He is really blind and one of these days when I talk Im gonna get fined He hears me talking and he keeps on walkin Because he knows Im right and he couldnt make any calls tonight He called me on my break away and thats when I called him fricken gay So I bounced the ball into the wall Then he called me for stuffing the ball and Im not even tall He said it hit my finger, but I would of felt the linger He made a bad call and thats when I was ready to brawl Thats when I called him names and said I was playing no more damn games Thats when he glanced my way and told me to obey Thats when I turned my head and said I wish you were dead He thinks he has power coaching a game for an hour With his zebra suit on he looks like a moron He rode me the whole game like I was to blame So if he blows his whistle one more time at me Im gonna take that brass and shove it up his a**

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