Ignorance is enemy at the gate

Published December 28, 2000 In Orlando Sentinel

By Charlie Reese



Every year about this time I make a financial, philosophical and political disclosure statement to my readers. I think that all columnists owe that to their readers, but, so far as I know, I'm the only one who does it.

As always, the financial part is the simplest. A hundred percent of my income comes from my newspaper salary and the sale of my syndicated column. I own no stocks other than those involved in my company's retirement plan and the corporation I set up to syndicate my columns. I have no partnerships, no land investments. I drive a '96 Thunderbird, a kind of car I wanted as a youth but couldn't afford until I was too old for it to do me much good other than to provide basic transportation. I do not charge fees for speeches, for a number of reasons. First, I think that it's ridiculous, and I'm opposed to the idea of journalists as celebrities.

I consider myself a working newspaper guy and nothing more. Second, I don't wish to be tempted to speak to people I don't like. And third, when I speak to people I do like, it would be insulting to charge them. And, finally, I feel free to say exactly what I think.

Nothing in my house would fetch much from a fence. I've never been into possessions. I don't collect anything. About all I remember from two years of high-school Latin was a statement by the teacher that the Romans believed that a man can become a slave to his possessions. I have no intention of being a slave to stuff. Furthermore, I come from a blue-collar background, and I wouldn't feel comfortable driving a fancy car or living in a fancy house. A warm bed and a roof that doesn't leak are about the extent of my housing desires.

Politically, I'm still a registered Democrat, but I plan to change when I get around to it to the Republican Party. I've given up hope that the Democrats can rescue their souls from Egalitarian Hell, and I don't wish to be associated with the trash associated with the Clintons.

Philosophically, I'm a traditionalist or, if you prefer, a neo-Confederate, which is the same thing. I share the philosophy of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. That can be summarized as follows: a constitutional republic of sovereign states, a constitution that is not a "living document" but a firm contract, clearly defining and limiting the powers of the federal government; trade with all countries; entangling alliances with none. George Washington's Farewell Address is a perfect summary of my beliefs. This great speech is still read on ceremonial occasions in Washington, but obviously nobody listens to it.

I belong to only three organizations: the National Rifle Association, the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the League of the South. As you can see, they are all related to my traditionalist philosophy. The SCV is an organization of descendants of Confederate soldiers and officials. There is a corresponding organization, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Both organizations have cordial relations, and I would urge all Americans to join one or the other if your ancestors fought in that terrible war. American history, unedited and without the censorship and distortions by contemporary demagogues, is extremely important.

My purpose in writing, other than to keep bread on the table, is to stimulate readers to think about important subjects. We are way overentertained and distracted these days. It doesn't matter to me whether people agree or disagree as long as they think. The enemies at our gates are ignorance, apathy and the inability to think logically. If we don't kill them, they will kill us as a free society.



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