My Stuff
Different works of mine from the past few years.
(Nothing here yet, you might as well not even look.) Things that other people have been kind enough to send in to make my site look better (or more likely for their own gratifiction).
Just some cool shit I found. I know how hard it was for me to find images, backgrounds, etc. for my site so I'm making it easy on everyone else who wants any of this stuff, besides, it's something to look at (like you've got anything better to do).
About the Author(s)
If your reading this, you must be really bored or looking for your next victim. By the way, anyone who submitts their stuff can also submit a section here if they wish.
Submit Your Stuff
Send me anything you'd like to have posted on my site. I've got forms for submitting your stuff and an E-mail address to send things to so I can just paste them on if you were so picky that you already did all the coding, images, backgrounds, whatever for me. (I'll make sure you get credit for your work, for more info click here.)
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Please tell me who was here, what you thought of my page, any suggestions you may have, and anything else you'd like to add.
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