Family friendly
Boobah Zone This site, based on a new kids show, is great fun. The bright colors, sound effects, and simple games (which require a Flashplayer) are intruiging and mesmerizing. You could waste a lot of time here.
Dan Yaccarino The author of some of Jake's favorite books.

Mazoons This site has some pretty creative mazes that are combined with cartoons. It's a must for maze-lovers.
Nickelodeon Home of Jake's two current favorite shows: Spongebob Squarepants and Jimmy Neutron.
Nick Jr. Great site with printables, games for the little ones, and more. Jake played on this site a lot when he was learning how to use the computer.
Pixar – Home of Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc. and Toy Story. Watch the trailer for the upcoming movie The Incredibles, or take a look at how a Pixar film is made.
Sesame Street There's a lot of fun stuff here, too!
Steve's Web Page Have you ever wondered what happened to Steve, the original Blue's Clues star? He's now making alternative rock with the Flaming Lips. Check it out!
Yesterdayland Packed with information on old TV shows, classic arcade games and more.


Funny, interesting, strange – Interesting articles about science, science-fiction, space, technology and more – updated daily.
– Daily updated links to funny and strange news articles. Check out the Photoshop links, where members take a provided image, mess with it in Photoshop, and post the demented and hilarious results (not kid-freindly)
The Onion – Satirical "news source" (not kid-freindly).
The Spark – See how you rate...take a personality test, an IQ test, a stress test...and more (not kid-freindly).
Uncover the truth about urban legends.


Informative, helpful, educational
Body Mass Index CalculatorCalculate your body mass index – are you underweight, overweight, or super morbidly obese?
Consumer Product and Safety Commission
News on safety and product recalls.
Free Translation
Translate any word from English to six other languages.
Internet Public LibraryClick on the newspaper link and get access to newspapers all around the world. It is often interesting to see what other countries have to say about various current events. – "Convert just about anything to anything else"
Are you looking to find words that rhyme? This site offers suggestions.


Movies, music, and television
All Music Guide – Contains an amazing amount of information on music: artist biographies, timelines, reviews, genre descriptions, and more. This site is an invaluable refernece.
The Easter Egg Archive – Discover hidden secrets in movies, music and more. – (Internet Movie Database) Contains endless information about movies and the people who star in and work on them. – Gives multiple critic reviews for movies, music, DVDs and video games. Amusing site for people who like to find mistakes in movies.
Gives multiple critic reviews for each movie - also has trailers, tickets.
Pitchforkmedia – Daily updated site with reviews, news and features that cover an eclectic array of indie and experimental music.


Websites created by people we know
Boughner Multimedia Attractive site showcasing Forrest Boughner's (Eric's good friend since high school) artwork, photography, and multimedia projects. Journal entries, movie reviews and more - from Kevin Apgar (Eric's friend/co-worker).
Scenic Physics Grandpa (Walter) Kauppila's educational site explains the physics at work within some of his beautiful scenic photos. – The website of rockabilly band Bones Maki and the Sun Dodgers. Bones Maki (a.k.a. Craig Maki) is one of Eric's friends from U of M art school.
It was recently discovered that he works with Eric in the Blue Cross Blue Shield building in Detroit.



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