Mr. & Mrs. Johansen - June 30th, 2001
We spent 2 days in Estes Park, Colorado right next to Rocky Mountian National Park.  This was just before our hosts cooked us eggs benedict outside on the deck.
We had a great time in the Canadian Rockies and Banff Alberta Canada for 8 wonderful days!  This was at the top of Sulfur Mountain.  We've decided to walk up and take the gondola down (who's idea was that??)
Hey We're Married!!!  Thanks for everyone that helped, attended or just said a prayer for us (we needed them!).  We hope you enjoy our little photo journal.  Thanks!

Ken & Doreen...
Couple weds, World never the same again..
More Honeymoon Pictures
More Wedding Pictures
What a wonderful day hike into the Candian Rockies!  Johnson's Canyon and Falls was a nice trek.  Most of the hike was along hanging catwalks far above the glacial snowmelt.  Doreen is just hanging around in this shot...
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