Back in high school, while on retreat, the church youth group were each given a key to symbolize the key to their hearts.  For all of these years I have carried that key on my keyring.  When Ken told me he loved me, he gave me a gold heart shaped locket to symbolize his love for me.  A few days later I gave him my key and told him how I got it and how special it has always been to me.  Ken's incredibly overwhelmed voice managed to whisper that the company that manufactured the key had engraved their name and location on it.  Unbeknownst to me, it was the city and state he was born in.  I told him I was amazed that God knew 20 years ago on a retreat that I would one day give him a confirmation of God's design for our life together.  Ken reminded me that God had to have known when he was born.
The Key
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