
The social maturity and relative prosperity of Kerala is primarily due to the benefits derived from a social movements propelled by the reformation leaders like Narayana Guru. But there are already signs that we are falling far behind!

Kerala - A State destroyed by Strikes! - Jan 2002

If one has to characterize Kerala State in a single sentence, then this is it : A golden state destroyed by strikes! Strikes and United Front Governments - they go hand in hand! Leftist parties were in the forefront in the 60s and 70s for long NGO strikes which almost paralyzed the state. One can admit that leftist parties did some good for the welfare of the labour classes with no fixed income. But this has been greatly offset by the damage they have done to the society as a whole and the industrial climate of teh state in particular. In the long run, the daily labourer is left with less and less jobs within the state. Both skilled and unskilled labourers are forced to leave the state. If Gulf money were not here, the state would have been totally bankrupt and unmanageable.

70s and 80s saw all parties competing to be 'socialistic' and so leftist. So Congress became as good as CPM in waging unwanted 'bandhs' and 'strikes'.

Today after the irresponsible and inefficient rule of United Front governments (UDF/LDF) the state has no direction to follow. The farmer does not get any money for his products. In the 60s if one had looked after 200 coconut trees well that would have given him an income comparable to an School teacher! Today that won't provide even one month's salary of a teacher! The prices of all commodities have been manipulated within India and by the International Mafia (Global Pressure). Even pepper which had been pricess commodity from pre-Bibilical times, has fallen in price. So is cashew nuts. Rubber and so on.

The general public with no fixed income (farmers and labourers) are struggling to make a living. All the money the government gets is spent on paying the civil servants! And we have an abundant of them. Colonial posts are all maintained even today. We have so many divisions of governing with considerable pverlapp. Panchayath, Taluk, District and State. Then there is 'block'. Then there are bodies with no territorial boundaries. Some of them should have been scrapped long ago. Even the Governer's post is a historical absurdness and waste in the current situation. Therre are no productive bodies with some industrial or agricultural basis. All are 'governing' bodies. But is there anything to govern?

White Collar Employees United against the Public

The news reports (see below) indicate that the employee organizations are united against the public. The state has no money. If corporate companies can fire employees, the state must have the power to do so. We have too many employees doing too little. This simply cannot continue. The state treasury cannot be the sole property of white collar employees.

Strikes should be banned

During the Emergency of Indira Gandhi, the state functioned very well (discounting some political incidents of police excesses). People came to office in time. And they left at proper time. The productivity of the state went up. Today the state's people have too much freedom - freedom to destroy anything - a freedom which is not available anywhere in the world. It's time to bann all strikes and 'bandhs'. State level as well as district level. Many ordinary labourers liked the disciple imposed on the white collars. But later it became a fashion to blame the Emergency and Indira Gandhi for everything!! Armchair pundits and worthless political commentators and pseudo-intellectuals who kept quiet during the Emergency came out open opposing it after it was lifted! The chief among these is none other than Mr AK Anotony! Neverthless we do support Mr Antony in the current strike crisis.

Here are some of the news on the current strike:

¨o±J©¶s¢i×® dj¢oj·® ©j¡n« AX¨d¡¶¢i©¸¡w

Kaumudi 10.1.2002
Y¢j¤lcÉd¤j« : ot´¡t Q£lc´¡j¤¨T lØ¢µ ±dY¢©nb h¡tµ¢c¡X® C¼¨k ¨o±J©¶s¢i×® dj¢oj« o¡È¬« lp¢µY®. oh£dJ¡k¨·¡¼¤« DÙ¡J¡·l¢b« o®±Y£Q£lc´¡j¤¨T ±d¡Y¢c¢Ú¬h¤Ù¡i¢j¤¼ h¡tµ¢v ot´¡j¢¨cY¢¨j Q£lc´¡j¤¨T ©j¡n« AX¨d¡¶¢¨i¡r¤J¢.
±dY¢dÈ AÚ¬¡dJ otl£o® o«MTcJq¤¨T ©cY¦Y§·¢k¤¾ h¡tµ® i¥X¢©lr®o¢×¢ ©J¡©qQ¢c¤h¤¼¢vc¢¼¡X® Bj«g¢µY®. AY¢c¤h¤Ø¤Y¨¼ cLj·¢v, i¤.V¢.Fe®. D¼Y¡b¢J¡j oh¢Y¢ m¤d¡tmJw¨´Y¢¨j AYY® H¡e£o¤Jw ©J±z£Jj¢µ® Q£lc´¡t ±dY¢©nb±dJTc« cT·¢. h¢´ H¡e£o¤Jq¢vc¢¼¤« Dµ·¢v ±dY¢©nb h¤±a¡l¡J¬¹w h¤r´¢ J¡vcTi¡i¢ Q£lc´¡t i¥X¢©lr®o¢×¢ ©J¡©qQ¢c® h¤¼¢¨k·¤Ji¡i¢j¤¼¤. l¢J¡o® glu, df®q¢J® H¡e£o® F¼¢l Dw¨¸¨T h¢´ H¡e£o¤Jq¤« C¼¨k AÈj¡tY®Z·¢v oí«g¢µ¤. Cl¢T¹q¢¨k h¢´l¡s¤« Q£lc´¡t H¡e£o® l¢¶¢s¹¢ ±dY¢©nb¢µ¤.
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±dY¢dÈ Q£lc´¡j¤¨T h¡tµ¢¨c Ag¢o«©f¡bc ¨Oií® ¨J. ljaj¡Qu (Fu.Q¢.H. i¥X¢iu), Q¢. Y¤qo£bjud¢¾ (¨J.Fo®.T¢.F), Bt. l¢Qiu (¨J.Q¢.H.F), F«.l¢. Qc¡tÀcu (¨J.d¢.C.F), ¨J.Fu.¨J. cØ¥Y¢j¢ (©Q¡i¢Ê® Jªxo¢v), d¢. l¢m§«gju (¨o±J©¶s¢i×® F«d®©q¡i£o® A©o¡o¢©inu), Qi©alu (¨J.F«.o¢.Fo®.i¤), o¢.d¢. ©Q¡x (Fu.Q¢.H. ¨oÊt), J¿T ¨c©¸¡q¢iu (Fu.Q¢ H. ±eÙ®), h¤oíe (Fu.Q¢.H. A©o¡o¢©inu~Fo®), ±dY¡dO±zuc¡it (F.¨J.d¢.o¢.T¢.F), ¨Q. ±do¡a® (F.¨J.Q¢.o¢.T¢), Fu. j¡M©l±zu©d¡×¢ (d¢.Fo®.o¢. F«d®©q¡i£o® i¥X¢iu), Bt. j¡hO±zu (i¥X¢©lr®o¢×¢ F«d®©q¡i£o® ©J¡x¨eV©snu) Y¤T¹¢ilt o«o¡j¢µ¤. h¡tµ¢v d¨ÆT¤· Q£lc´¡¨j Ag¢l¡a¬« ¨Oií¤¨J¡Ù® Qc¡b¢dY¬ hp¢q¡ A©o¡o¢©inu AK¢©kɬ¡ ±do¢VÊ® o¤g¡n¢X¢ Ak¢ o«o¡j¢µ¤.
Fu.Q¢.H. A©o¡o¢©inu ±dlt·Jt ¨o±J©¶s¢i×¢c¤h¤Ø¢v cT·¢i ±dY¢©nb ©i¡L« h¹¡¶® j¡©Q±zu Da®M¡Tc« ¨Oií¤. Q£lc´¡t Ac¤gl¢µ¤¨J¡Ù¢j¢´¤¼ Bc¤J¥k¬¹w ¨l¶¢´¤si®´¤l¡u B¨ji¤« Ac¤la¢´¢¨¿¼¤« ©±a¡pJjh¡i ot´¡t Y£j¤h¡c« d¢ulk¢´X¨h¼¤« A©Àp« ot´¡j¢©c¡T® Blm¬¨¸¶¤. ©i¡L·¢v o«o®Z¡c ±Tnst l¢. f¡kJ¦n®Xu, ¨o±J©¶s¢i×® A«L¹q¡i ¨Qi¢«o® o»¢, ¨J. ©o¡hc¡Zud¢¾, Q¢¿¡ ±do¢VÊ® C. j¡hJ¤h¡t , ¨o±J¶s¢ ¨J.l¢. o¤zj« F¼¢lt ±do«L¢µ¤.

ot´¡t H¡e£o¤Jw Hj¤ h¡o« d¥¶¢´¢T¼¡k¤« J¤r¸h¢¿: h¤K¬h±É¢
Y¢j¤lcÉd¤j« : ot´¡t H¡e£o¤Jw Hj¤ h¡o« d¥¶¢´¢T¼¡k¤« J¤r¸¨h¡¼¤h¢¨¿¼® h¤K¬h±É¢ F.¨J. BÊX¢ ±doí¡l¢µ¤.
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Old News:

One of the very few who always stood against white collar strikes!

ot´¡t Q£lc´¡t´® ©f¡Xo® cvJj¤¨Y¼® F«.F. ©Q¡x
- Kerala Kaumudi 21.8.2001

©J¡¶i«: o«o®Z¡c« JT¤· o¡Ø·¢J ±dY¢oc®b¢i¢v h¤¹¢c¢k®´¤©Ø¡w Qc¹¨q ©±a¡p¢µ® ot´¡t Q£lc´¡t´® ©f¡Xo® cvJj¤¨Y¼® dªj¡lJ¡m h¤¼X¢ ±do¢VÊ® F«. F. ©Q¡x d±Yo©½qc·¢v Blm¬¨¸¶¤.
Q£lc´¡t´® Hj¤ h¡o¨· mØq« ©f¡Xo¡i¢ cvJ¡c¤¾ h±É¢og¡ Y£j¤h¡c« ±J¥jh¡i QclÕci¤« BV«fjl¤« b¥t·¤h¡X®. blqd±Y·¢v JT¨´X¢i¡i¢ 28000 ©J¡T¢ j¥d O¥Ù¢´¡¶¢i ot´¡t ©f¡Xo® cvJ¤©Ø¡w o¡Ø·¢J f¤a®b¢h¤¶¤JZJw J¾h¡¨X¼® Jj¤©YÙ¢lj¤¼¤.
o¡b¡jX´¡©j¡T® op¡c¤g¥Y¢i¤¾ ot´¡t Q£lc´¡j¤¨ÙÆ¢v Alt Cª Qc©±a¡p ©f¡Xo® l¡¹j¤¨Y¼¤« F«. F. ©Q¡x Ag¬tY®Z¢µ¤. i¤. V¢. Fe®. gjX« Y¦d®Y¢Jjh¿. BÊX¢´¤ dJj« D©a¬¡Lo®Zj¡X® gj¢´¤¼¨Y¼® ©Q¡x J¤×¨¸T¤·¢.
d¤Y¤Y¡i¢ j¥d£Jj¢µ dªj¡lJ¡m h¤¼X¢ ±do¢VÊ¡i¢ F«. F. ©Q¡X¢¨ci¤« ¨o±J¶s¢i¡i¢ ©T¡h¢ ¨cT¤«J¤©¼k¢©ci¤« ¨¨lo® ±do¢VÊ¡i¢ AV§. ¨J. a¢l¡Jj¨ci¤« ±Tnss¡i¢ Fu. F«. h¡Y¬¤l¢¨ci¤« Y¢j¨ºT¤·¤.

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