Lecture notes for 4/21/99

Texas has a bicameral legislature, composed of the House and Senate.
          -Elected for two-year terms
          -Elected for four-year terms
          -Half of Senate gets elected every two years
     -Voted from single-member districts
     -Typically, our part of the representation is predominantly Democratic.
          -In 1987, 90% of the Senate and 70% of the House were Democrats.
          -In the last 10 years, there has been a significant change in the representation.
               -Texas is now a viable 2-party state.
     -Compensation for state legislators:
          -Annual salary of $7,200
          -Allowances for meals and travel
               -$95 for meals per day
               -28 cents per mile for travel
               -$20,000 a month for staff, rent, utilities, equipment, etc.
     -Legislators allowed in session only once every 2 years officially
          -Begins the first spring following election
          -Session lasts 140 days at most
               -First 30 days
                    -Introduce bills
                    -Set things on agenda
                    -Resolutions and memorandum
               -Next 30 days
                    -Committee work
               -Next 60 days (beginning on day 60)
                    -Actual floor action to address and debate bills and other issues
               -Last 20 days
                    -Debate the most controversial topics and bills
                         -ex. education fundings, budget aspects, etc.
               -After the 140 days have passed, the legislature must adjourn.
                    -If the work is not finished, it is up to the governor to call a
                         special session.
                         -The legislature are only allowed to discuss issues and bills
                              placed on the agenda by the governor.
     -Membership qualifications
     -Stated in Article 3 of the Texas Constitution
               -21 years of age
               -Qualified voter
               -Legal resident of Texas for two years
               -Lived in the district he or she wishes to represent for one year
               -26 years of age
               -Qualified voter
               -Resident of Texas for 5 years
               -Resident of the district he or she wishes to represent for one year
          -On average, the members of the legislature are 50 years old.
               -80% are male
               -70% are white/caucasian
               -80% had a college education
               -Most are attorneys
               -Small amount are involved in real estate
               -Most are Protestant
               -Most are wealthy
               -Most are civic-minded (ex. Kuwanis Club)

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