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We admired this girl from Germany for waiting days in line for the 73rd Annual Academy Awards*, just for a glimpse of Julia Roberts and other celebrities on the red carpet.
This is a 5 ft (I think?) replica of the Oscar outside the Shrine Auditorium.

The Shrine itself

* - For those who were there, this was about 100 feet from where 8 of our DPS units and 2 LAPDs came and searched a car suspected of having drugs or something in the trunk, causing slight commotion in the streets. Ah the memories...


(not in chronological order)

Grand Avenue Afterparty

...and the aftermath      

3rd Annual Fly Away

Note...this is what happens when you switch from a digital camera to a disposable camera (aren't Kodak cameras supposed to be good?)...3 mediocre pics, shown here, and 19 pics of nothing, obviously not shown.

TRANCEcend Series 2003

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