The Theory of Flight

An unlikely story of love and friendship, The Theory of Flight, takes a warm, witty look at the tale of a man and a woman brought together by the sheer power of fate. Infused with strong, intelligent humor, the film revolves around the journey of Richard (Kenneth Branagh) and Jane (Helena Bonham Carter) who find in each other the strength to challenge the boundaries that have imprisoned them, body and mind. Richard, a frustrated artist, finds himself at odds with the local magistrate and is forced to perform 120 hours of community service - at the home of Jane. Relegated to a wheelchair by a neuro-muscular disorder, Jane proves a considerable challenge to the less than enthusiastic caretaker does. Driven by a need to fix that which is broken in each of their lives, the two embark on an adventure for the soul that brings into unflinching perspective a timeless love and an unshakable friendship.

�1998 Fine Line Features. All rights reserved.

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