Very Bad Things

The only thing that Kyle Fisher (Jon Favreau) wants is to marry the woman he loves, Laura Garrety (Cameron Diaz). All Laura wants is the wedding of her dreams. But before Kyle staggers down the aisle with his beautiful, controlling bride, his buddies decide to give their friend one last night of freedom, male bonding and debauchery. Real estate hustler Boyd (Christian Slater); the battling Berkow brothers, Adam (Daniel Stern) and Michael (Jeremy Piven); and introvert mechanic Moore (Leland Orser) throw a Las Vegas bachelor party for Kyle that is a smashing success, with plenty of booze and drugs - and even a visit from a lithe young stripper. But accidents will happen... They can call the police. Or, as Boyd suggests, they can dispose of the "105-pound problem" in the desert, then return home and dedicate themselves to leading respectable lives. Not even Adam's keen-eyed wife Lois (Jeanne Tripplehorn) will be able to figure out what happened. Thus begins a darkly comic homicidal trail, dropped like lethal bread crumbs, by writer-director Peter Berg in this audacious, sure-handed motion picture debut.

�1998 Polygram Filmed Entertainment. All rights reserved.

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