Nathan's Favourites:
Colour: Blue

Food: Everything (home-cooked foods are really yummy)

Birthday: September 27

Animal: I love all animals

Hobby: Singing, carpentry and swimming

Place: The beach and on stage

Movie: Forrest Gump, Patch Adams, Ghost, The Matrix

Song: 'Do I Do' by Stevie Wonder, 'Is the Feeling Gone' and 'I Remember You' by Brain Mcknight, 'Why You Follow Me' by Eric Benet, 'For All We Know' by Danny Hathaway

Hi-5 song: 'Dragon Groove'

Family: Mum, Dad and two older sisters

Pets: Fluffy Ginger Cat (Lucy)

Sports: Basketball

TV shows: The Simpsons

Message: Thank you so much for all your support and  love for Hi-5, it means so much, love forever. Nathan XXX

Fun Facts:
*Nathan has a habit of biting his nails!  (rumor)

*Nathan performed in School Spectacular for the last 11 years

*Nathan attened Newtown performing arts high school

*It had been reported that Nathan shaved his hair really short and dyed it blonde so expect to be stunned at the upcoming concerts!
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