Classroom Terminology

Shito-Ryu:    name of our system or style Kenwa Mabuni:   founder of system
Kara:           empty Te:                       hand
Do:              way Sensi:                   instructor
Dojo:           training place Kumite:                fighting-free sparing
Soke:           founder Shihan:                 Master or teacher
Karateka:     student of karate Kata:                    form (an arranged
                            exercise-patters of attack)
Kiai:             yell (with strong spirit and
Kamaite:              assume position
Zanshin:        awarness of one's opponent
                    (perfect finish)
Seretsu:               awareness of one's opponenet
Mokuso:       meditate Yoi:                     get ready
Hajime:         begin Yame:                  stop
Mawatte:      turn Ya Sume:             relax / adjust gi
Rei:              bow Seiza:                   kneel
Tate:            rise Oss:                     a term of respect (not
Gi:               karate uniform Obi:                     belt
Jo-dan:        upper area of body Chu-dan:             middle area of body
Ge-dan:       lower area of body Mavate:               pivot
Hidari:         left Migi:                   right
Makiwara:  striking board Kime:                 focus
Kio Tuski:   come to attention Keiko:                practice
Kihan:         fundamental (techniques)  



Ichi:     one Musubi Dachi:       closed stance
Ni:       two Heiko Dachi:         shoulder stance
San:     three Zenkutsu Dach:i     forward stance
Shi:      four Neko-Ashi Dachi:  cat stance
Go:      five Shiko Dachi:           side to side stance          
Roku:   six Kokutsu Dachi:       back stance
Shichi:  seven Sanchin Dachi:        tension stance
Hachi:   eight Hangetsu Dachi:      half moon stance
Ku:        nine Hachiji Dachi:          open leg stance (toes out)
Ju:          ten Uchi Hachiji Dachi:   inverted open leg stance  

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