Dojo Etiquette

Always greet instructors when you see them

Always address the head instructor as SENSEI

Always address the assistant instructors as SENPAI

Introduce yourself to anyone in the dojo you do not know

Afford guest instructors the same courtesies as your own

If you have a question in school circle, always raise your hand to be acknowledged

When practicing Kata during class, and space is limited, higher ranking students should give way to lower ranking students

Always let your instructor know when you will not be able to attend class or you are injured

Always come to class with the proper equipment

Always come to class with a clean gi

Everyone will indicate that they understand by yelling OSS

No discussion will be allowed during class instruction

Bow when entering or leaving the dojo

Bow before stepping on or off the training area

NO sparring will be allowed without Black Belt supervision

NO jewelry will be worn during training sessions

No one is allowed to use weapons, or training and exercise equipment in the dojo without instructors supervision or permission

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