
Kohler Liebich Company


Web Changes

The Beta Test is Online!

Update: 5/14/2001
It has been a couple of months since this site was first launched, and, I might add, a very productive couple of months. Since the inception last month, I have had the opportunity to interview Otto Liebich, Jr., the son of co-founder Otto Liebich, Sr. Otto grew up helping in the shop and eventually came to manage the business. The interview has opened up a number of new avenues of research for me to follow up on.

I've also had the opportunity to search a number of resources on the Internet. I've joined the Theatre Organ e-mail list and have made contact with some members who have Theatre Organs with Liberty Chime chimes and glockenspiels. Several members have also pointed me to a number of print books that reference Kohler-Liebich products. I've found that many of the books at the Milwaukee Public Library and they have provided a number of excellent references.  Click on the Organ Stops link to see what I've had time to update so far.

I've also made some headway on researching the company itself. The State of Illinois was able to provide me copies of the original articles of incorporation and some of their corporate documents. It has provided an interesting glimpse into the beginnings of the company. The Milwaukee Public Library also had a branch of the U.S. Patent Office and I found the patents for the wall mounted Liberty Chime and the Organ Stop Xylophone.

We're still looking for any information you have about Liberty Chimes. Whether it is a dinner chime, an organ stop, or anything else produced by the Kohler-Liebich Liberty Chime Company, we'd love to hear about it. We now have a guest book, so please sign in and tell us about your Chime. If you'd like to contribute pictures or other details, please check out our Contacts link.


Media Coverage of Kohler Liebich Liberty Chime Company

John Bruno Kohler Obituary, The Diapason, p8, Sept 1927


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