*You have Vietnamese Pride.
*To you...A/P means Asian Pride...not Advance Placement.
* You're down for your sh*t.
*You take your shoes off before you walk into a house.
*You get lectured at least once a day.
*You become taller than your parents once you hit puperty.
* GiRls...you hate fobs that go "hEy BaBeE....u CuTE. CaN i HaB yO FoNe nuMba?"
*You learned about the "birds and bees" from someone other than your parents.
*You cuss out anyone in Vietnamese that pisses you off.
*You watch Vietnamese translated movies that are 30 tapes long.
*You know you're superior to other Asians.
*You look older than you really are.
*You have the last name or is related to someone with the last name "NGUYEN".
*You shop at a local Asian Market.
*You have no eyelashes.
*You've learned to keep bargaining even if the prices are rock bottom.
*You have 12+ aunts and uncles.
*You have ever gotten little red envelopes around Viet New Year.
*Coffee shops are your second home.
*Guyz...you sit on your butt all day.
*Girls...you do everything while the guys sit on their butts.

*You have a box of noodles in your house.
*You own a rice cooker or two.
*You can "squat"...(flies...mosquitoes)
*You show your Viet Pride to the fullest.
*You have rocks, sticks, leaves, and strange smelling unknown substances in your house for use as medicines.
*Your parents say leaving rice in your bowl is a sin.
*You always have pounds of rice around the house.
*Your parents know how to make Pho*~
*You put soy sauce in every food.
*Your family owns butcher knives bigger than your head.
* People see a bunch of scribbles on a chopsticks and ask you to translate.
*The bio lectures on marine life(seaweed, octupii, squid) were last night dinner.

*You bump Chinese or high energy music while in your ride.
*You listen to new wave, techno, slow jams, rap, and/or eurodance.
*You don't own American cars.
*You own a Honda or Toyota...usually fixed up.
* Inside your your car, you'll find some stringy ornament.

*You some sort of video game machine.
*Your remote control has some kind of plastic covering.
*You own some kind of Asian brand of electronic machines like Panasonic and Sony.
*You own a pager or cell phone.
*You own a computer.
. * You've had two sit through karaoke videos with scantily clad, Asian Woman attempting to dance and walk around a park, temple, or forrest.
*You like karaoke or own the machine at home.
*You have a calendar somewhere in your house that peels pages one by one.
* Piles of shoes tend to make it hard to poen the front, back or closet doors.

* Guyzzz....one time or another in life you've had the regulation bowl cut.
* You are alwayz updated with the Asian Style.
*You sport Nautica, CK, Polo, Nike, Addidas, and Guess.
*Girls...you have at least one pair of flares and shirts with the designer brand name(s) across your chest....(BeBe aNd GuEsS)
*You know or kick it with gangs.
*You highlights your hair.
*GuYs....you either have hair that split down the middle, the side or bangs that dyed and slicked back.
*You still remember wearing shirts with alligators or some animals on them.

*You're hecka good at pool.
*You played the piano once in your life.

*You're loyal to all your friends.
*Your non-vietnamese friends ask you to teach them how to cuss in Vietnamese so they can cuss at other Vietnamese.

~*THEY THINK.....*~
*Everyone thinks you're Chinese no matter what you are!
*Everyone always ask you how to say something in Vietnamese...after you teach them how to say hello and how r u doing...they ask about cuss words.
*You've had people go up to you trying to imitate Asian languages...like "ching-chong woo bok chi...etc.."
*An Asian woman comes on your school campus and people ask " Is that your mother?" and then "Is it your sister?"
*Everyone thinks you know some form of martial arts.
*Everyone thinks you're good at math.

*Your parents compare you to 4.5 nerds and call you "stupid".
*You have to call just about all your parents' friends "auntee" and "uncle".
*Your parents insist you marry someone Vietnamese.
*Your parents either brag about you to other Vietnamese parents or hecka put you down.
*Someone in your family wears glasses.
*You complain about how hot it is in America and your parents start their story about how hot it is in Viet Nam.
*Someone in your family smokes.
*Your parents buy you shoes and clothes many sizes too big so you can "grow into them" and wear them for many years to come.
*Your parents can only help you with math and no other subjects.
*When you get detention from school, your parents think you're a rebel.
*Your parents alwayz compare Vietnam and America.
*When you get bad grades in school...your parents start lecturing about how they went through hell in school in Vietnam. They would've gotten their butt whooped.
*Your parents have the whole collection of Paris By Night.
*Your parents alwayz critisize you...crititsize others and critisize each other.
*Your parents always remind you to greet someone in Vietnamese if they're Viet.
*Your parents own a store like a restaurant or bakery.
*Your mom or aunt owns a hair salon or nail shop.
*Your parents want you to be better than everyone else.
*Your parents try to get you into places half-price by saying you're 12 when you're really 16.
*Your mom has had a short curly hair cut at one time or another.
*Your parents enjoy comparing you to their friends' kids.
*There're Chinese in your family line somewhere.
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