"The Texas Wheelers"
"One Day at a Time"
Mark as "Jerry" on 'The Partridge Family' episode
" Ol' Metal Mouth"
I don't know much about this episode. I'm sure I saw it..way back then! I do know Mark, who plays Harvey, Schnider's nephew, is accused of stealing a tape recorder or something. In the last pic, he swallows his gum!
Jerry discovers Laurie has braces!
But he assures her, it doesn't matter... she's still the same person!
Jerry asks Laurie to go steady...but she says she can't! She has a secret he doesn't know about...
Typical teenager of the 70's... I know! I was one! Well...almost!
How sweet!
In the mid-70's, during a pre-Star Wars time, Mark starred in this short-lived weekly TV series about life in Texas for a man and his family. I don't know much more than that.
Mark was Doobie Wheeler
Jack Elam and Gary Busey starred with Mark. Jack was Mr. Wheeler, a widower and Gary may have been the older brother. If you'd like to share any insites with me & other Mark fans, email me with details!
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