<BGSOUND SRC="tiltherewasyou.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Mark-Just Because!
He's just simply adorable!
To see more of Mark's boyish charm and dazzling good looks, go to my Star Wars pages by clicking here.
To see a list of all of Mark's movies and pics from them, click here.
Mark was such a cutey... and talanted too!
Mark during an interview.
These may have been taken during an interview while Mark was recording the NPR broadcast of Star Wars. The B/W photo to the left is off the box.
Leather and denum..my kind of guy!
There 2 pics are among my favorites of Mark... He's just so sexy in them! But with a sweet, charming, innocent appeal.
I now have my very own copy of this pic... the one on your left... Now if I can just find the matching one!
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