*note: After loading into VICE emulator, hit the space bar until you see the spash screen. Be sure to set up a joystick or gamepad for use with Vice as it makes the game much more playable. ______________________________________________________________________ C64 LASER SQUAD PLAYERS MANUAL ______________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Laser Squad is a one or two player tactical wargame system that accurately simulates many aspects of individual level combat. It will take some time for a new player to become familiar with all aspects of the system, and we recommend that you load the program and go through the first section of this manual which provides you with a basic guide to playing the game. The second section should be treated as a reference manual for the experienced players. Some features of the system are not implemented with the five scenarios provided with the main program, but the future scenarios will explore the versatility of fame play that Laser Squad can provide. The final section in this booklet provides instructions for the five scenarios provided with the main program. ______________________________________________________________________ KEYBOARD/JOYSTICK ACTION q ................... Up a ................... Down o ................... Left p ................... Right space/button ........ Select/Fire ______________________________________________________________________ PART 1: PLAYING THE GAME ______________________________________________________________________ OVERVIEW Laser Squad is played in a series of game turns. Each player, during his turn, controls a small number of units which represent humans, droids or other creatures. Each unit has its own individual name and characteristics which affect the abilities and activity of that unit. At the start of each game turn each unit is allocated a number of Action Points (or APs) which are used for performing all activities of that unit such as movement, combat, manipulating objects etc. Once all action points are used for each unit, or the player does not wish to use any more, the 'end turn' option is selected and the other player (or the computer) takes his turn. The winner of the game is the first side to accumulate 100 victory points. Victory points are awarded for various things, such as eliminating enemy units or destroying certain installations, depending on the scenario being played. ______________________________________________________________________ GAME SET UP You will be asked whether you want a one player game or a two player game. If you select the one player option the computer will take control of the second side. You will then be asked what level you wish to play at. The number of levels varies between scenarios and the higher the level other more difficult the computer is to beat. If you are playing with two players then only the player whose turn it is should be allowed to see the screen. Each player now selects equipment and deploys his units. ______________________________________________________________________ EQUIPMENT SELECTION In each scenario you are allocated a number of Credits to spend on armour, weapons and ammunition. The first thing you must do is select armour for each unit. Your units are displayed on the left of the screen and you select armour for each unit in sequence. Use the UP and DOWN controls to select the type of armour and press FIRE when you are satisfied with your choice. If you select '0' then the unit will have no armour. If you select a number from one to four then the unit will be given an armour type according to the specifications displayed in the table on the right of the screen. A full explanation of armour is included in the reference section. After you have allocated armour to each unit you then select equipment. Initially the object selector is highlighted. Use the RIGHT and LEFT controls to change the object currently selected. Each object's unique graphics symbol and name is displayed together with the cost of purchasing the object. In order to allocate and then use RIGHT to add the currently selected object to that unit's equipment, or LEFT to subtract the object. You cannot give an object to a unit if you have insufficient credits, or if that unit's weight or size limits would be exceeded. Once you are satisfied with your selection press FIRE twice to continue the game. All weapons are loaded with ammunition when purchased, but extra ammunition for each weapon is available. Consult the weapons table in the reference section for details on weapons and ammunition. ______________________________________________________________________ DEPLOYMENT Each unit is deployed in until all units have been placed on the map. The deployment mode shows the name and equipment of the unit to be deployed on the right of the screen and the map window on the left. Use UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT to move the flashing white cursor around the map until you have found the deployment square you want. Each scenario will specify which spaces you can deploy on. Place the cursor over the deployment square and press FIRE to deploy the unit. ______________________________________________________________________ GAME OPTIONS Before each game turn starts you will be presented with a menu which allows you to save and load games. Press the number of the option you require or press fire to continue with the game. Change Controls: Allows you to change the controls of the game between different joysticks or keyboard (Spectrum only). Save Game: Allows you to save the current game. Load Game: If you select this option then the current game is abandoned in order to load a new game. ______________________________________________________________________ CURSOR MODE At any time the game is in one of three different modes; curor mode, select mode or fire mode. Each game turn starts in cursor mode which simply allows you to move the cursor around the map using UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT. The display on the right of the screen shows information about the map space under the cursor as follows: MAP: The name of the terrain feature such as grass, floor, wall, etc. OBJECT: The name of any object on the ground. UNIT: The name of any unit under the cursor. OBJECT IN USE: The object that the unit is currently using, if any. ______________________________________________________________________ CURSOR MODE OPTIONS Laser Squad is controlled via a series of menus which are simply lists of all different options available to you at any time. To display a menu, which ever mode you are in, press FIRE. Use UP and DOWN to high- light the option of your choice and press FIRE to select the option. The options that can be available in cursor mode are as follows: SELECT: If the cursor is placed over one of your units with APs remaining then you will be able to select that unit for movement and other actions. Once you select this option you will enter selection mode. INFO: If the cursor is placed over any unit then information on that unit can be displayed. NEXT UNIT: This option simply moves the cursor to another friendly unit with APs remaining. SCANNER: A strategic map of the entire playing area can be displayed showing the positions of all your units and any enemy units that are currently spotted. CANCEL: The cancel option in each menu just clears the menu and returns you to the current mode. ______________________________________________________________________ SELECT MODE In Select mode the message display on the right of the screen shows essential information about the unit you have selected. Most important is the number of Action Points remaining and the direction indicator which shows which direction the unit is facing. Once you have selected a unit then the directional controls are used to move the unit as follows: LEFT: Rotate unit left RIGHT: Rotate unit right UP: Move unit forwards in the direction that it is facing. DOWN: Move unit backwards. ______________________________________________________________________ SELECTION WHAT IT MEANS MODE DISPLAY CORPORAL ...... Name of unit JONLAN APs |---| ...... Direction indicator (8 possible directions) 34 | o>| ...... Action point remaining 25 |---| ...... Minimum action points needed for opportunity fire MORALE> ...... Unit's moral GOOD STAMINA> ...... Unit's stamina SUPERB WOUN> 2 ...... Wounds BURD> 6 ...... Burden OBJECT> ...... Object in use M4000 AUTO-GUN TERRAIN> ...... Terrain unit is standing on ROCK DUST PROT> 0 ...... Protection value of terrain 2