Updated: 23 July 1998

Ashland Logo

                    Ashland is a non-profit site in Internet where players can try role-playing within the World of Darkness background with other people from all the world.

Of course, there is no real chronicle prepared. Instead, you'll have to create your own, follow the flow or just be spectator of others lives (or unlives...).

Politics, betrayal, love and friendship are common there. Come with a character you created (see some rules to respect in Ashland's page), and play him beyond limits you ever reached in tabletop.

This page will be updated when official authorization from Ashland's creator, Fred Hirsh, will be given (it was given...) and official images for this kind of pages will be created by him (Some more time to wait...).

You will find here the adress where you could find the Ashland's server, but you must know the link is not valid anymore. Unless you're very lucky, i will lead anywhere but to Ashland. We are searching for a replacement (and believe we have --perhaps-- found it).


You will find in the following adress the Homepages and/or Email adresses of some of the ''Ashlanders'' I know:

Who's who among the Ashlanders?

One last recommandation: Remember you'll be talking to characters played by players from all around the world. You must forget all you think you know about people from other countries: Tolerance and respect are words that are important OOC (Out-Of-Character), and even if two characters hate themselves IC (In-Character), remember it's only a game, a role-playing game...

You wouldn't hate an actor because he played very well the evil character of that story... So don't hate the role-player from the other side of the world because his character framed yours...

(c) Black Widow Production © 2000 Black Widow Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

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