Updated: 20 January 1999
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CHAPITER 2: Background Informations


Powers & Influence in the Mortal World:

Status, MasquesTitle Rank DST/RG (M) Rank DGSE (M) Resources (M) Army Forces (M) Influence (M)
0 Apprenti None None - - -
* Masque Agent Aspirant ** - -
** Chevalier Inspecteur Lieutenant ** ** (3) *
*** Paladin Commissaire Capitaine *** ** (15) **
**** Seigneur Commissaire Divisionnaire Colonel *** *** ***
***** Maître Prefet General **** **** ****
***** * Grand Maître (Ivan) Prefet (*) General (*) ***** ***** * ***** *

(*) While the Rank remains the same, the power goes even beyong, the Grand Master having influence beyond the common imagination...

Powers & Influence in the Kindred Society:



  • Auspex *
  • Celerity
  • Dominate *
  • Fortitude
  • Obfuscate
  • Potence
  • Presence

Relations with the Veilleurs:

Secret Notes:

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