LotR: tHe TwO tOwErS
Fangorn Forest Images.
Legolas walking amongst the trees
Legolas pausing to listen to his surroundings
Legolas understanding the environment: "This forest is old, very old ..."
"... full of memory, and anger."
Legolas sensing the trees, "The trees are speaking to each other!"
Legolas turning around to investigate the trees
Legolas stopped walking & pausing to listen
Legolas stopped walking & turning sharply to the side
Legolas sensing something in the forest: "Something's out there!"
Legolas sensing The White Wizard approaching
Legolas pausing again, facing front-on
Legolas turning his head to the side, Aragorn curious behind him
Aragorn inquiring about what Legolas sees
Legolas speaks wisely: "The White Wizard ..."
Legolas speaks wisely: "... approaches."
Legolas moving his eyes in the direction he sense The White Wizard
Legolas moving his eyes in the direction of The White Wizard (opposite)
Legolas stroking his arrow, ready to strike
Legolas turning around and aiming his bow & arrow
Legolas turning around and aiming his bow & arrow (2)
Legolas turning around and aiming his bow & arrow (3)
Legolas, Gimli & Aragorn preparing to fight The White Wizard
Legolas, Gimli & Aragorn shielding their eyes by the blinding white light (back)
Legolas, Gimli & Aragorn shielding their eyes by the blinding white light (back) (2)
Legolas, Gimli & Aragorn shielding their eyes by the blinding white light (front)
Gandalf revealing himself, Legolas kneeling to honour him
Legolas smiling at Gandalf
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